I am building a Survey123 Connect form that allows users to select from a list of park names that is stored in a feature layer
automatic search("parks?url=https://services.arcgis.com/f4rR7WnIfGBdVYFd/arcgis/rest/services/CPR_Custom_Layers/FeatureServer/4")
The name of the park is then used in a pulldata formula:
pulldata("@layer", "getValue", "attributes.X", "https://services.arcgis.com/f4rR7WnIfGBdVYFd/arcgis/rest/services/CPR_Custom_Layers/FeatureServer/4", "park_name='${listSelectedLocationName}'")
It will eventually get XY coordinates so the map on the survey will be automatically updated. The issue is, however, that the pulldata formula won't return any results. I know the formula does work if I hardcode a park name.
How can I use a select_one list (populated from a feature layer) to populate a pulldata formula to update a geopoint?