In my survey, my first question records the date and time via a dateTime question type. Later in the survey I start a repeat. In that repeat I generate a unique ID that includes the date and time. I attempted to use a calculate question type to modify the date and time to the desired format. To do that I called the dateTime question and requested to print certain elements. What I discovered is that inside the repeat statement, the dateTime question is not referenceable. My solution was to add another hidden dateTime question with the default set to now() inside the repeat. This worked for my calculation however, this not the desired time stamp.
So, how do I reference the response from a previous question outside a repeat inside the repeat?
Thanks for you thoughts.
I changed line 65 calc to concat('G',${sam_dat},${fis_num}) and it works fine. I also tried concat('G',format-date(${sam_dat},'%Y%m%d%H%M'),${fis_num}) and that works also.
Not seeing anything that does not work.
I did see that you must be using CtrlC CtrlV from another excel sheet. That will mess up all the drop downs in 123. Make sure to use right click paste values instead.
Also why do you need a unique key? Not sure why you would. You could use uuid() also and it will generate one for you.
Need more info on what does not work. Attached changes