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Backend Data Reporting Future

07-15-2016 01:04 PM
Occasional Contributor II

Its been a little while since I've been on here, busy with project work but still using Survey123 in that work.  I think great strides have been made in the app and functionality.  I am curious what, if any, plans are there for the future in additional reporting/export?

I like the survey123 website easy extract of csv data.  It would be even nicer to have a customizable export tool where we could select specific fields for export (save as a template) and even more so an easy way to export out attachments.  Ideal would be a reporting tool that could handle related tables as well.  I personally avoid related tables even though I think they make more sense in organizing data only because extracting and trying to reassociate the data is such a pain.

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

In the short term, looking at an update before the end of September, we are  looking into incorporating print functionality, so you can take the report from the Analyze tab and take it to paper. You will be able to define what specific questions you want in the report and what type of chart or map will summarize the information.  We are also looking into allowing date filters on the results shown in Analyze as part of the September update.

Thanks for your feedback on exports. I totally agree that  bringing related tables and attachments in anything but a FileGeodatabase format is at the moment not straight-forward!  This is something that we want to look at, but  do not have a clear deadline for it just yet.

Occasional Contributor II

Thanks, look forward to the updates.  We have a process for pulling out what we need but it involves running scripts and batch renaming of attachments and avoiding related tables at all costs.

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