We have multiple select_one questions with domains were value zero represents Yes.
Field Type on Feature Service is string, bind::esri:fieldType = esriFieldTypeString
It works all correct on version 3.16.107 - if question is answered Yes, 0 (zero) is being submitted to feature service.
On the newest version 3.16.113, zeros are being submitted as nulls, therefore the Yes answers are not being recorded (a record is added but all questions are null).
Below are Log screenshots of the same survey form, submitted from two Android devices with two different versions of the app.
LOG from 3.16.107:
LOG 3.16.113:
Is this similar issue to https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-questions/survey123-choice-values-get-stripped-of-lea...
Hello @NataliaKaszkowiak,
Thank you for reporting this! I've created an internal issue for the behavior please feel free to reach out to Esri Technical Support to log an official BUG for the behavior.
Thanks Zach,
An official bug is now open with Esri Technical Support
@NataliaKaszkowiakcan you please share the defect number?
Thanks for sharing... this is a pretty critical issue. Loads of our surveys are going to start submitting null values as users update to the latest app or install on new devices. @ZacharySutherby do you have any indication on when this will be addressed?
Hello @ChristopherCounsell,
We are planning to release a hotfix that resolves this issue as soon as we are capable of.
@NataliaKaszkowiak @ZacharySutherby @ChristopherCounsell
This is now logged as BUG-000154379: Choices with codes set to 0 are returned as null values in select_one questions
Hello @NataliaKaszkowiak @ChristopherCounsell,
This issue has been resolved with a hotfix releases today, please see this Esri Community blog for more information. Please ensure you are on 3.16.114 for the fix.
Thanks @ZacharySutherby. The Survey123 team community engagement is exceptional! Great to have such rapid and clear communication on issues from start to finish.