I do not use Inbox much but I am not seeing a way to have the 123 app have a notification popup? Even better I could filter these so it only does it for "Urgent" forms. I am trying to having Urgent inbox forms somehow get the users attention and I am not coming up with much.
Text colors?
Map symbology changes seems to be a no.
instance_name cannot have a second language?
Emojis seem to be a no.
Open to any ideas to them some Inbox records really pop out.
thanks for any ideas,
Nope. No popup. "Go into Inbox and press refresh" are the instructions I give users. If they ask how often, I just say "when you use that form, refresh the inbox".
Having an "update inbox when app opens" button would be amazing.
As a follow up, if you want to simply draw attention to specific line items in the inbox, you can use text color like you said.
This is what I use for one of our sampling forms' Inbox:
if(${prime_stage}='Deployed',concat("<font color='Orange'>",${prime_stage},'_',${gn_pn},'_',${meta_loc_address},'_',${gn_client},"</font>"),if(${prime_stage}='Retrieved',concat("<font color='Green'>",${prime_stage},'_',${gn_pn},'_',${meta_loc_address},'_',${gn_client},"</font>"),concat("<font color='Blue'>",${prime_stage},'_',${gn_pn},'_',${meta_loc_address},'_',${gn_client},"</font>")))
The result is a color-coded list of items:
The blue items are "unclaimed items", orange is "deployed" and green is "retrieved". Items are searchable by status, project number, address, and client name and sortable by status or date