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Add layer to Survey123 Connect

11-26-2024 11:52 AM
Frequent Contributor

I am attempting to add a layer containing polygons to a Survey123 Connect form so that field staff can enter notes about individual polygons into the form.

How can I add this layer and allow a column to be populated by field staff?

Thanks to all.


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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Is this a completely new form? If your spatial question is of type Geoshape, you will be able to add polygons. I recommend reviewing Ismael Chivite's article on geoline and geoshape if you haven't come across it already.

Happy mapping,
- Zach
Frequent Contributor

I'd like for field staff to be able to click on a polygon in the map and add information to a column

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MVP Regular Contributor

Ah, I understand. In that case what you would probably want to do is build a Survey off of your pre-existing feature service:

Then in the web map that contains the polygon layer, you can add a link in the popup to trigger the opening of the survey.

I've done this quite a few times and can give you some specific examples of how to structure the link if you wind up going this route and would like me to!

Happy mapping,
- Zach