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Survey123 Question accept file upload or camera input

12-02-2022 09:29 AM
Status: Open
Labels (3)
Frequent Contributor

Here's my idea:

A single question that will look like an "image" question on a mobile device (have a button for a camera input) and look like a "File" question on a laptop (allow the user to upload PDF documents).

This would give the user the ability to use the phone to take a photo or use the laptop to upload a pdf in the same question. Since in the Feature Service, they both look like attachments, it seems to be a User Interface challenge. My idea is that the buttons would look something like they do when you can upload a photo (with a camera button and a folder button), but each button would accept different inputs (the camera would take a picture - the folder would accept non-image files). Even better would be if there was a way to show only the camera button on the mobile device and only the file button on the laptop, but that's probably a whole different level.

My specific case:

I have a form I designed in Survey123 Connect to collect images of receipts for corporate credit card transactions. This form is used by non-GIS staff, so it has to have a straightforward interface. The form collects key information about the transaction and has the user take a photo of the receipt. If the transaction is audited, everything is in one place instead of the card user having to keep the receipts and produce them when audited. Most of the transactions are fuel purchases for the vehicles, so this works fine. 

There are, however, situations where non-gas items are charged to the card (say, tires). With these, there is not a small, easily photographed credit card receipt, but instead a PDF invoice from the tire shop. In this case, the user would be able to log the transaction from the office and upload the PDF file to the receipt field.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.