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Survey123 Inbox disable editing at the field level

02-19-2020 12:21 PM
Status: Already Offered
Frequent Contributor

Currently we only have the ability to limit the view and editing made within previous repeat records when revisiting a survey in the inbox through the bind::esri:parameters field. It would be helpful to also have the ability to control the view and editing of fields in the parent record or control editing field by field when access through the inbox.

I manage several data collection activities where site info is collected on the first visit, this involves location data, ownership, ecological community type...None of this data needs to or should be updated on subsequent visits, however it would be helpful to be able to view while entering new date in a repeat. Subsequent visits could involve collecting data for several potential activates including: photo monitoring, trap specimen collections, ecological management activity...

It would be beneficial to prevent surveyors from updating parent records or specific fields to prevent erroneous data entries. My current strategy is to create second copies of the form with all the parent fields set to "read only" for site revisits and Inbox entries or accessing survey revisits through Explorer or Collector and custom URL. It would be a great time saver and provide a more elegant data collection solution if all of this could be accomplished with greater control of which fields can be edited when accessed through the inbox. Not sure of the programing involved but it might possibly be accomplished by using bind::esri:parameters field  set to  allowUpdates = false on a field by filed basis.