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survey123 : executing a report task for a record by url parameter.

03-28-2018 05:32 AM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

the report generator is really a wonderfull tool.

it could be usefull to be able to pass and parameter an url so that when clicking on a link, the final user could generate a specific report.

Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @DelaereMickael ,

We have released the Feature Report REST API through the ArcGIS for Developer's site; you can read through it at .  This is as close as possible to meet this requirement; with this, a user could click a link and start the process of generating a report.  Because generating a report could take up to several minutes, it isn't possible have the link directly provide the report.  Through the REST API, you can integrate report generation in your own web applications.


Hi James,

Thank you very much!

I test that in the week.

The final goal is to generate only the needed reports. Reports must not sleep in a mail box 🙂


Thank you.