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SURVEY123/COLLECTOR PIT Tag Reader Integration

03-20-2017 09:49 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

It would be great to see some kind of workflow that would allow us to scan a PIT tag and auto-populate a Survey123/Collector field. As described in this geonet post:

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This widget works with BioMark scanners and is 3/4 of what we need.  It can connect to a scanner via BlueTooth and scan a PIT tag but does not auto populate a field in Survey123.

InfraMarker RFIDs - Overview (

If it could be converted to a S123 add-in and auto populate a field on a form (maybe with a standard field name like "PIT code") it would solve a huge need in the wildlife community and increase the use of S123 by biologists.  I have biologists that would rather record data on paper, if they could store the PIT id in S123 they would convert to using S123!  The PIT id is a 16 digit string and is prone to errors when typed in.