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redirect on survey submission

04-04-2023 09:56 AM
Status: Open
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Survey123 integrates with a number of other ArcGIS apps. I would like to see the ability to redirect back to an application on survey submission. For example, I have connected Survey123 with Workforce. Within the Workforce app the field worker can choose to survey at assignment. Once the survey is submitted the Survey123 app stays open on the screen. I would like the ability to redirect back to the Workforce project so that the field worker can now mark the assignment as complete. I was hoping that I could configure the thank you screen with a link back to the application but the thank you screen doesn't appear on our mobile device (iPad) when a survey is submitted.




Not sure the URL on workforce but I use a callback from 123 to field maps that will flip back to the app by adding this to the end of my URL.


by Anonymous User

I believe URL parameters are available when configuring pop-ups in map viewer classic. Is that how you added the callback or is there another way that I'm not aware of? 

Would love to read a field maps blogpost on the subject if there is one! I would be willing to consider flipping the workflow over to field maps if it would become more intuitive for our field workers. As the app stands today (Workforce app with Survey123 integration), the field workers will be required to do many clicks/taps in the app and I would like to cut that down as much as possible. 

by Anonymous User

where do you find the item ID to call back to the field maps app? I see 2 unique ID's when editing the map in Field Maps designer.




It is the item page of the map then at the top in the URL.  You may also see the service item in there but you want the map item.

by Anonymous User

In Workforce this can be achieved by opening the Assignment Integrations table (after you have set up Survey123 Integration from the ADVANCED settings page in the Workforce designer) and adding &callback= to the end of the URL in the Url Template field.