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Push Notifications for Survey123 Mobile App

08-09-2023 08:30 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Our Township uses the Survey123 mobile app with our Citizen Reporter. Citizens can report issues within the Township, from potholes to missed trash collections. Surveys for each issue are submitted and sent to our Public Works team out in the field. Currently, when a survey is submitted, our field team has no way of being notified that work has come in for them because there is no push notification - and each survey has to manually be refreshed.

We understand that there are email notifications. However, our crews do not have email addresses and rarely have access to a computer since they spend a majority of their time in the field. The workflow at this time requires a supervisor in-office to call field crews to tell them to refresh specific surveys to receive jobs or they must be constantly opening and refreshing each survey inbox. Neither of which are ideal nor feasible.

A push notification/automatic refresh for new surveys would streamline this process/workflow for crews in the field. Please consider adding a push notification capability into the Survey123 mobile app.

1 Comment

Have you looked at having the new work displayed in Field Maps.  That way the field team can see the new work popup on the map.  Bonus they can see the ones near them vs driving all over town.  The first question the team would have a from a push notification is "where is that" anyway.  Also they can use filters in Field Maps now to show them only the work they can do.  Like show me just potholes since we are the balktop team.  Oh look we just got a call on one that is right down the street, lets go there next instead.

I would have the work displayed in Field Maps then have a Launch URL to start up 123, pass over any needed info, then the crew can fill out the form.  This could be a seperate layer or fields in the same layer.

Field Maps is the better tool for the spatial side of figuring out where to go next.  If it is simple forms you can do some of it in the new Field Maps designer.  If the forms are more complicated then just launch the 123 form.

Hope that helps