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Print Option for Customers

11-02-2021 02:52 PM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

I think it would be beneficial if there was a print option for customers to be able to print the survey they have completed.  I created a lot of surveys that we use as application and customers would like to be able to print their submittals.  I think have an option to print would be great. 


Tags (3)

Hello @UtanaDye 

If you are wanting to print the survey results, you can configure report templates for this in Survey123.  If it is a blank form you are after, that is what you would need an idea for.  See this link for the print template creation in Survey123: 

by Esri Contributor

A colleague of my asked me about this functionality as well. I initially recommended using feature reports, as mentioned above. However, my colleague prefers an option for the ones who fill out surveys to be able to print what they answered for reference. This is because:

  • Feature Reports are done in Survey123's data tab which requires signing in. (The forms of my colleagues are shared publicly)
  • Feature Reports consume credits (hence the sign-in requirement)