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Launch system and third party apps with iOS URL Scheme from Collector/Survey123

11-08-2018 10:14 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

The URL scheme has been implemented for ESRI mobile apps ( but leveraging the iOS SDK to launch third party and system apps would extend the functionality of Survey123.

For example, I am designing a Survey123 survey for bird counts that occur within 3 minute observation intervals. Enabling the user to launch a timer at the start of a count and launch a gps logger to record tracks would be hugely useful.

Is this do-able or are there complex back-end modifications that limit such free inter-app communication?

1 Comment

I think this is not just a functional requirement but also an ESRI organizational change request about creating an established workflow to add apps or software to whitelist in iOS and control that list in the application. third party apps ios  android survey123 administration collector classic collector