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Geopoint Trigger Actions

07-06-2021 12:18 PM
Status: Needs Clarification
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Allow for a separate action to automatically trigger taking a geopoint.  Eg. A survey that uses a repeat function to capture multiple barcode scans of related items within a field.  Instead of having the crews scan the barcode then have to select the geopoint, the survey would automatically set the geopoint with the barcode scan.  An alternate use would be to have a picture trigger the geopoint.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @JasonVolz ,

By 'barcode trigger the geopoint', what is the source of the location (the user's current location)?

You can already calculate a geopoint from an image's recorded location through the use of pulldata("...