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Allow Setting maxRecordCount in Survey123 Connect for Enhanced Record Management

10-31-2023 11:23 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

Idea: Enable Survey123 Connect users to specify the maxRecordCount parameter for feature layers directly within the application, providing more control over the number of records displayed in the survey inbox.


Currently, Survey123 users face limitations when querying records within the survey inbox. The default maxRecordCount is set to 1000, which might not be sufficient for larger surveys with extensive data. Developers often encounter challenges when they need to access more than 1000 records, leading to workarounds and complex solutions.


  1. Integration in Survey123 Connect:

    • Add a new configuration option in Survey123 Connect where developers can specify the maxRecordCount value while designing the survey.
    • This option can be included within the survey settings or properties, allowing developers to set a custom limit based on their project requirements.
  2. Benefits:

    • Enhanced Flexibility: Developers can tailor the maxRecordCount according to the scale of their surveys, ensuring all relevant data is accessible within the survey inbox.
    • Improved Efficiency: Avoid workarounds and reduce complexities in handling large datasets, streamlining the data management process for developers.
    • Better User Experience: Survey respondents and data collectors will experience smoother performance, even in surveys with a substantial number of records.
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