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What's new in ArcGIS Survey123 (September 2022)

09-27-2022 11:48 AM
Esri Notable Contributor
9 1 2,604



A minor update to version 3.15 was made available on September 20, 2022. This release includes the following fixes:

Survey123 website, web app and report service


  • BUG-000151785 Map in Feature Report does not zoom to feature when the basemap has a different spatial reference
  • BUG-000150951 Calculations do not work as expected when editing an existing survey submission in a browser when the ArcGIS account language is set to certain languages
  • BUG-000137274 The note for the "What can submitters do?" option under the Collaborate tab in the ArcGIS Survey123 website only applies to surveys created using the web designer


Survey123 Connect (version 3.15.178) and field app (version 3.15.159)


  • BUG-000138707 When querying related records, ArcGIS Survey123 is reaching the maximum number of features to be returned from a query at one time.
  • BUG-000147973 The Callback parameter does not work when editing existing submissions via Inbox in the ArcGIS Survey123 app using a custom URL
  • Added support for URL callbacks in the Survey123 field app when using the view action. Details here.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented URL callbacks when using the edit action
  • Fixed a bug in which Survey123 links would open the Overview folder when Collect was disabled.
  • Fixed a bug in which social logins were being cached and would not sign out.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the sign-in page from opening in the correct language.
  • Fixed a bug in which the number of records returned in the Inbox was limited to the maxRecordCount set on the feature service. The Inbox can now contain a maximum of 5,000 survey responses. See Enable editing.

Read the What's new help topic for more information about this and previous releases.


What's coming next


We have at least two updates planned between now and the end of 2023. In October  26, 2022, we will release version 3.16. This will be a major release with fixes and new features. One more release will follow before the end of the year. Here are some of features we have in the works for these immediate updates.  They are all available now for testing through our Early Adopter Community site.

Query ArcGIS layers from your Survey123 forms (including public surveys): Do you want to automatically calculate a parcel ID through a point in polygon query? Do you want to know how many records have been already submitted into a survey to create a constraint?

Of course, you can query layers today in Survey123 using custom JS functions, but we all know JS functions will not work in a public survey and to some, they have a steep learning curve. Starting with version 3.16, you will be able to configure your Survey123 forms to query layers using new options in the Survey123 web designer and Connect.

In the Survey123 web designer, calculations will now support querying layers.   To watch this in action, check this video. No coding required and your calculations will work in public surveys.

If using Survey123 Connect, the new pulldata(“@layer”) functions will let you perform attribute and spatial queries without the need for a custom JavaScript function. And yes, your queries will work even if your survey is public too.

This feature is planned for our October update.

New audio question file type in web designer: Audio recording is available in Connect. Now coming into designer. Record up to 20 minutes.

Survey123 Connect enhancements: We are adding many enhancements into Survey123 Connect to help you keep lists in your forms in sync with field coded value domains.  Connect will create as usual field domains for your XLSForm lists when the survey is originally published. Additionally, when you republish your survey with changes to your lists, you will have an option to update field domains accordingly.  We will apply a similar logic to field aliases.

Planned for October.

ArcGIS organizational templates: To aid with consistent Survey123 form design, some organizations want to define a set of custom templates that can be used as a starting point for new survey designs. Starting with version 3.16, both Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 web designer will support the concept of Survey123 organizational templates. Administrators will be able to define an ArcGIS group of Survey123 templates. Any survey shared to that group will automatically be shown in Connect and Designer as a new template to survey authors.

Full details about these and other features in the works are available through the Early Adopter Community site. This is great timing to give us your feedback.

Planned for October.

Multilingual surveys in Survey123 designer. Multilingual survey support has been available in Survey123 Connect for a while. With this release, you will be able to translate your survey into multiple languages, right from within the Survey123 web designer.  Translate everything from the survey labels to list choices, images and notes, survey title, thank you screen, footer and more.


Multilingual surveys in designer will likely be made available in our December release.

Other important features tentatively planned for December:

  • Captcha for web surveys: To be made available in the web designer and Connect, for use in web forms.
  • Survey123 feature reports for Microsoft Power Automate.


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