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Talk Like a Pirate Release (2.4)

09-19-2017 05:08 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
14 65 13K

Ahoy, matey! September 19 is Talk like a Pirate Day, so All hands hoay! Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!  2.4 has arrived!

Refresh your browser cache to access the latest features in the Survey123 website.

You can install Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS from our download page.

The Survey123 mobile app is available in the Google Play, Amazon and iTunes stores.

The 2.4 release is loaded with new functionality, enhancements and critical fixes.  I organized the major highlights below under the Survey123 website and Survey123 field app and Connect categories.  To illustrate some of the new features, I published a couple of public surveys that you can download into your device.

Survey123 website

Likert Scales in Web Designer: The Likert scale type of question has been added to the Survey123 Web Designer. Likert scales are the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research and they are named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert. Typically a Likert scale is used to allow people respond to questions of interest, in order to measure people's attitudes, but a Likert scale can also be applied to other more  general questions where you want to select a choice among a range of sorted options.

You will find the Likert type of question available in the Common Questions section of Web Designer. Simply drag and drop it to your survey! You will be able to easily change the labels shown in your scale as well as the number of options available.

Excel and KML output formats in the Data tab: From the Data tab you can now export your survey data to KML and Excel formats.  These two new outputs go on top of CSV, Shapefile and File Geodatabase formats already available.

Access Group details from the Collaborate tab: A new link has been added in the Collaborate tab to let you easily access group details. This is useful when you need to know, for example, which users belong to a group, or what other surveys or maps are accessible to a particular group.

Map skipped questions in the Analyze Tab: This one is a subtle enhancement, but quite useful in some cases. As you know, in the Analyze tab you can represent in a map the responses given to a particular question in your survey. Up until now, surveys where your question had been left unanswered (skipped) would  not be  shown in the map. Starting with this release we will add the locations of surveys where the question was skipped and flag them as such.  This can help you in some QA/QC workflows where knowing in what locations a particular question was skipped is important.

Other enhancements and fixes: Among the many minor enhancements and fixes in the Survey123 website, I will highlight the following:

  • BUG-000106888 Question hints now support special characters (such as %). This issue caused some trouble before.
  • BUG-000105851 This fix accounts for some situations where the map extent in the Individual Response report was set incorrectly.
  • BUG-000099612 Integer values are reported as decimals in the Analyze Tab in Survey123 website.
  • When you rename a survey using the Edit Survey Info dialog, the name of your survey’s folder in ArcGIS will change accordingly.
  • The Individual Response report in the Data tab now will work well in cases where you nest a repeat within a group.
  • Web Forms now support pulldata functions working against geopoint questions.
  • Blank text boxes no longer display under note questions.
  • Fixes to select_multiple questions on Firefox.

Survey123 Connect and Field App

Support for editing repeats: Back when we released version 2.0 of Survey123, we introduced the concept of the Inbox. The Inbox folder can be enabled in a survey to support editing of existing records from the Survey123 field app. If you are not familiar with the Inbox, I recommend you watch this 2 minute video tutorial.

One of the biggest limitations of the initial implementation of the Inbox in 2.0, however, was that it did not support working with repeat groups (which use related records). With version 2.4, that limitation is gone.

As of 2.4 you can include in your Inbox surveys that contain repeats, but even more importantly, you can tightly control how these repeated questions (related records) can be edited. In some cases, for example, you may want to hide existing related records, but allow field users to add new ones. In other cases you may want to let people look at existing related records for their reference, but not change them. You may even want to limit the number of related records that can be displayed or edited.   

At first, the mechanics of enabling editing on a survey with repeats is no different than usual. As described in this help topic, all you need to do is to activate the Inbox folder in your survey.

By default, surveys in the Inbox will allow you to add new entries into the repeat (creating new related records), but you will not be able to see any related records that may already exist. This behavior is adequate for workflows where you want to let people add additional related records to a feature, but you do not want the field user to see other related records.

Using a new column in the XLSForm called bind::esri:parameters you can control which related records will be downloaded into the mobile device, and whether you want to make them editable or not. In this column you can add one or more of the following parameters as key-value pairs, separated by a space:

  • query: The query parameter specifies which related records will be downloaded for display and/or editing purposes. By default, no query is set, so no related records are fetched. If you add something like query=’LastInspectionYear>1995’, only inspections after 1995 will be shown. You can also add a query such as query=’1=1’ to force all related records to be fetched. As a shortcut, if you simply add the parameter query with no additional query expression, all related records will be fetched.

  • allowUpdates: Controls if downloaded related records can be edited or not. This parameter can be set to either true or false. If you include allowUpdates=false, then your downloaded related records will not be editable.  Just for clarity, if the field user adds any new additional related records, those will be editable even if this parameter is set to false. You will want to set this parameter to false when you do not want  field users to edit related records that already exist in your feature service.

  • allowAdd: Controls whether new rows can be added to a repeat. This parameter can be set to true or false, but the default is true.: i.e. allowAdds=true. Note that this parameter only affects surveys that have already been submitted (in the sent box) or downloaded to the Inbox. When collecting a new survey, new related rows can always be added irrespective of the parameter.

  • orderBy: Lets you specify the order in which related records will be displayed within your repeat. e.g. orderBy=occupant_name will order related records by the occupant_name field.

Using one or a combination of the parameters above you have great flexibility to control the experience for the field user. With this new implementation, it is possible to support a wide variety of asset inspection workflows for example.

As of this release, the Inbox lacks support for downloading attachments. That is, you can use the Inbox against a survey that includes attachments, but  the Inbox will not populate  signatures, annotated images, audio or image questions.  All these types of questions will appear empty, as if they had no data. As for the rest of questions, you will be able to download  data for them and update  them as well.

Also, to play on the safe side, when you edit surveys from your Inbox we will disable editing on these types of questions. This means that if you open a survey from your Inbox  to make edits to it, all questions of type image (photos, signature, annotate, draw) as well as audio questions will appear not only empty, but also disabled. This is to avoid people from accidentally attempting to change data  in them.

We are considering adding support in a future release for editing attachments.

To learn more about editing with repeats, check this help topic.


Audio questions: We have run into quite a few requests lately for audio questions, so we decided to add support for them. Some requests came from conservation projects where specific types of birds (and frogs) had to be recorded. We also run into folks doing surveys of toponyms where it was necessary to capture the pronunciation of placenames in the local language. Recording audio has also been requested by people who need to capture information very quickly for later processing, and we even were told that audio recording would be used to help create noise maps.

In this first implementation, the audio type of question will not let you capture more than 2  minutes worth of recording, although we plan to let you record for longer in the future.  Audio recordings are stored as attachments in the underlying feature service.

We have published a public sample audio survey so you can try this new question yourself. In your mobile device, install the latest version of the Survey123 field app and navigate to:   This link will open the sample audio survey so you can record audio. Alternatively scan the barcode on the side to open the survey in your phone. 

If you want to look at the  data you submitted  and listen to your recording, use  this web mapping application.

If you want to add an audio question to your survey, simply use the  new audio question type.

Audio questions are supported exclusively in the Survey123 field app. Audio questions are not supported in web browsers.

 Please note  that existing surveys you may have created will not give  you a choice to  select the new audio question when you use the dropdown list in the  type column of your XLSForm.  You will need to  either use a new Advanced Template or manually add the audio choice into the list  manually.

Signature, Draw and Annotate: You may already be familiar with the ability in Survey123  to capture signatures. This was added way back in 2015. When the signature appearance is set on an image type of question, a small signature-pad is presented to the user. This signature-pad is of small size and has a white background over which you can sign using black ink: Simple.

With 2.4, you can also use the draw appearance, which essentially enables a drawing-pad: it is bigger and it lets you use pens of different colors and thickness. This drawing-pad is ideal to capture simple sketches and diagrams.

The annotate appearance goes one step beyond, allowing you draw on top of a photo or background image.  The photo can be taken on the spot by the field user, or calculated in your XLSForm.

The use of the annotate appearance on image questions has many applications. In an inspection workflow, you can use the annotate appearance to let users take a photo of the asset and highlight in the photo any repairs that are needed. Arrows, text, circles and freeform sketches in different colors are allowed.  

You can also choose to set the background of the drawing pad to a predefined image, such as a diagram of the asset. Say for example you are inspecting transmission towers (electricity pylons). Using a calculation, you can display the appropriate schema of the transmission tower model being inspected so inspectors can markup the diagram to highlight defects.

To set the background of the annotate drawing pad to a predefined image, you need to copy the png or jpg image\s into the media folder of your survey.  Then, you can reference them from either the default or calculation columns of your XLSForm. 

Shiver me timbers!

In the above transmission tower inspection survey the background shown in the annotate question is defined by the transmission tower type. Note that I added a select_one question with choices for Steel H Frame, Tubular Steel and Wood H Frame. I use the response to this question to select the appropriate transmission tower illustration.  Once markup such as circles, text and arrows have been added to the diagram, the resulting image gets saved.

Without aiming at illustrating what an actual Transmission Tower Inspection looks like, but simply to show how you can dynamically set the background of the annotate question, I published the Transmission Tower Inspection survey so you can try it in your device.  Try opening  or scanning the QRCode on the side.

Signature, Draw and Annotate appearances are not yet supported in web browsers.

Autosave: As of 2.4, the Survey123 field app will automatically save all user input

in the device immediately after entered. In case that the user accidentally closes the app, or even worse, when

it crashes, all data will be safely saved.  When the app is started again, a dialog will prompt the user to either recover the app (and the data) to the point where it was last, or start with a new survey from scratch.

The autosave functionality is enabled by default, so you do not need to do anything to take advantage of it. In very large surveys with hundreds of questions, you may however choose to trigger the autosave functionality at specific points in your survey. In our own testing we have not observed a noticeable slow down due to autosaving, but we wanted to expose a mechanism so you can control it more tightly if you consider this necessary.

A new column in XLSForm called bind:saveInComplete lets you trigger autosave for the entire form at specific points within your survey. Simply add the value true to this column to indicate you want to trigger autosave at that question. 

If you leave the entire bind:saveInComplete column empty, Survey123 will automatically autosave on every question.

Null field type: We heard again and again, that sometimes you want to add questions into a smart-form but not necessarily persist any data for that question in the feature service. 

Sometimes the idea is that you want to capture some user-input, to then do some calculations on that data and ultimately store the results of your calculations in the feature service, but not necessarily the direct input of the user. Say for example you want capture the length of a pipe in meters, but you let people enter the length in meters or in feet. You will want to add in the form one question for the length, and a second one for the units in which the length is expressed.  In the end you  only care about the length in meters, so the initial input of the user as well as the units are not stored. Only the calculated length in meters will be stored. Another example may include capturing the age of a building. You may want to ask in what year the building was built, but you really want to store just the calculated age.

Another scenario where you may want to display a question in the form but not store its response is when you ask a user a binary yes or no question and you use that information to hide or show a set of questions.  Your yes/no question can help you simplify the data capture experience, but the actual response to the question is not relevant from a data perspective.

As of 2.4, you can set the value of the bind::esri:fieldType column to null, to indicate that a particular question is not to be stored in the feature service and can be applied to all question types except geopoint, hidden, audio and image (as well as select questions combined with the or_other qualifier).

A particular scenario where the null field type is very handy relates to multiple-choice questions.  As you may know, responses to multiple-choice questions are stored as a comma separated list of values. Using the null type of field and calculations, you can store the user selection to multiple-choice questions in a more database friendly way through a series of fields (one per choice) with binary (checked or not) values. A more in depth discussion of this technique is described in the blog post 

iOS11: Do not fear upgrading to iOS 11. We tested the Survey123 mobile app carefully with it, and everything runs smoothly.

Other enhancements and fixes: Last but not least, here is a selection of other relevant minor enhancements and fixes for Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 field app in this release:

  • Survey123 Connect now includes easy access to discussions in our Survey123 for ArcGIS GeoNet group.
  • The built-in barcode reader is faster across all platforms. In Android, the barcode is now much more stable.
    Improved positioning in Android devices when GPS signal is not available.
  • Various fixes in the Survey123 field app and Connect to address wrong text characters displayed in Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Thai.
  • Select_one questions can now be  set to read-only.
  • BUG-000104950 Survey123 for ArcGIS signature question submitted using iOS devices is only partially visible whereas is completely visible on Android and Windows devices.
  • BUG-000103616 Renaming a photo in a repeat in the in Survey123 for ArcGIS field app changes the photo name of all photos in the survey.
  • BUG-000106064 Deleting an image copied from 'paste answers from favorite' deletes image for all submitted records in Survey123 for ArcGIS.

Survey123 for Developers

The source code of Survey123 for ArcGIS is available to AppStudio for ArcGIS developers. This allows organizations to customize, extend or simply white label the Survey123 for ArcGIS field app. As usual, we have updated the source code of the Survey123 Enterprise Templates in AppStudio for ArcGIS.

Please keep in mind that the next version of Survey123 for ArcGIS will be built on top of AppStudio for ArcGIS 2.1, which will be released sometime in October or early November.  Absolutely no breaking changes are expected, but keep in mind that for the next update of Survey123 you will also need to refresh your AppStudio for ArcGIS Desktop install.


A lot as you can see in this update, so we will next splice the mainbrace!

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

The enhancements enabled within this release will be very useful to us and the surveys that we conduct.I am very excited to see these enhancements and cannot wait to begin researching/testing them.

I have a question with respect to the inbox and "attachments".

"As of this release, the Inbox still remains limited to surveys without attachments. That is, the Inbox will not populate signatures, annotated images, audio questions or photos. To play on the safe side, when you edit surveys from your Inbox we will disable editing on these types of questions. We are considering adding support in a future release for editing attachments."

With the bold and italicized portion of the statement above; does this mean

  1. that the attachments themselves will not be available within the inbox, but the rest of the survey will or
  2. does this mean that we will not be able to query in any survey that has the listed attachments?

It sounds as though we will be able to edit "repeats" at will, but that we will not be able to recall surveys into the "Inbox" if we enable attachments?

Thanks and tell the team to keep up the great work.


Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Mike. Thanks for your comment. I changed the text  in the blog to clarify that you can use surveys with attachments in the Inbox, although the attachments will not be  populated.

Emerging Contributor

It looks like something may have broken with the update.  We have a cascading select that worked before the update of the mobile app but does not allow the selection to be picked now. Image - Ranch cascades to block which populates Ranch Block Number then cascades to variety (it was set to require selection to confirm).  Updated S123 Connect and the same problem exists there.

s123 error cascading select

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Jeff,

I'm not replicating an issue with a test double-cascade select.  Can you forward your xlsform or at least the cascading select portion of it?

Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the quick reply. This worked before the update and didn’t after. I changes the select_one variety to not be required and republished to work around this today.


Emerging Contributor

In order to upgrade to 2.4 do I need to uninstall the previous version first? I'm getting this error.


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Nicholas,

Yes, on desktop computers previous version need to be uninstalled before installing Survey123

Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the quick reply @James Tedrick

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Changed a form to allowUpdates=true query, it worked. I was able to see the repeats from the Inbox.

The inbox shows the Modified date as the time I refreshed the inbox, and not the time of last edit. Not sure if that is expected behaviour. Please find below a screenshot.

The older version of Inbox has the modified date as the actual modified date

I can provide the survey folder if needed

Regular Contributor

I have a question about using Survey123 with Collector. As of right now you can integrate apps like Collector with Survey123 by embedding a link in Collector (as an attribute) to your survey. You can link the Collector feature service with your Survey123 feature service, and pass a common field such as ID, in order to create a "loose" relationship. Are there any plans to tighten the relationship between Collector and Survey123 to better support 1-to-many relationship workflows?

For example if you want to use Survey123 and Collector for fire hydrant inspections. The data model for this is a feature class for hydrants and a table for inspections with a relationship class. One fire hydrant will have many related inspections.

It seems like there is a lot of interest, especially in local government, in using Survey123 for these type of 1-to-many / inspection workflows. Currently you link Survey123 via a common id (such as hydrantId) by passing values from Collector via url scheme, but there is no native relationship between the Collector and Survey123 feature services. In addition, the Survey123 feature class contains an x,y location (geopoint) for each submitted survey. So if there are 10 inspections (surveys) submitted in Survey123 for 1 asset (fire hydrant), there will be 10 points in the Survey123 feature class (all w/ slightly different x,y locations). In this type of workflow a table makes more sense for storing your inspection records. So what if the user wants to click on a hydrant and see all the related inspections? You have to take some other steps...

Download the survey data, import the data as a table into your geodatabase where your hydrant feature class lives, then create a relationship class that links the hydrants feature class to the inspections table. You would then publish the feature class and related table as a service, so your users can click on a fire hydrant and see the associated inspections. 

Ideally, Survey123 would support 1-to-many workflows with the ability to link the survey to an existing feature class, so that survey data is stored as a table rather than a feature class. Do you happen to know if there is an existing enhancement requests for this? What are your thoughts on how best to display 1-to-many data to the user? Would that be best done in Collector or Survey123(mobile) or

Thank you.


Regular Contributor


Upon updating, I am unable to upload surveys with attachments on a service that is using a submission URL. I can upload surveys without attachments fine. I reverted back to survey123 version 2.3 and the problem went away. Issue exists on android and windows, across multiple devices. Not sure if this is a known issue, or if there is a fix or workaround, but I need to get this working ASAP so we can continue collecting data.


EDIT: I wanted to note that the feature class that my survey data is collecting into is related to another feature class by an ID field. Not sure if this makes any difference.

Occasional Contributor

Love all the new enhancements with this release. Two of our surveys seem to have broken though since the release came out. They'd been working fine previously, and then since the 19th, when our staff try to submit from either of them, they get error code 1003. I saw some other posts on Geonet regarding that error and checked for some of the causes listed (multiple geopoint questions, use of hyphens or periods in question name, groups not closed properly) and none of them seem to apply. I did have the staff do the "Fix Database" on the app, but that didn't work. Both surveys are rather complex, with multiple groups and with repeats (just single ones, no nested). Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!


Frequent Contributor

I'm having similar problems. I uninstalled previous versions and finally got 2.4 to install, but this is what the program looks like:

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi April,

This can occur if your graphics card drivers are not up to date- you may need to update them.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Kanchana,

We've logged an issue to fix the date display.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Will,

Survey123 can work against existing ArcGIS services, so I believe we support the workflow you are outlining- take a look at Ismael's blog post 

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil,

Can you provide more details- are you using ArcGIS Online or Portal?  Hosted Layers or layers published to ArcGIS Server via Desktop?

This sounds like an issue we found regarding the editor permission settings in Online hosted layers; there's a small discrepancy in the submission process of attachments on adding vs. editing.  The workaround to enable submitting is to set the 'fieldworker' hosted layer view (if present) or the feature layer (if the view is not present) editing permissions:

  • What kind of editing is allowed? – Add, update, and delete features
  • What features can editors edit? – Editors can edit all features

(Note the setting of what features can editors see can remain unaltered)

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tara,

Can you share the survey form?

Regular Contributor


Using feature service hosted on ArcGIS Online. 

I checked the editor permissions - they are all as you suggested.

I have another survey that has attachments that isn't part of a relate, and attachments submit fine. Is this something to do with the fact that this feature service is related to another?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil,

By the 'feature service is related to another', is it the situation that the Feature Layer item has multiple layers/tables, one of which is being used by Survey123?

Regular Contributor


Exactly - the feature service has two point features, one of which is being using by survey123. The surveys then are related back to the other point layer (sites) so we can see surveys collected over time at each site. Again, everything was working great until the update, now this survey is useless to us. Found the old APK online which will save us until an update is issued.


Deactivated User

The sketch box is really useful and I am excited it is here.  For the annotate appearance is it in the enhancement log to have the annotation use and browse for a photo already on the device, like a screen capture.  This would be really helpful for some of the surveys I have been working with lately.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil,

I believe I am able to replicate the error.  One final question - was the ofeature service published via ArcMap, Pro, or another tool?

Deactivated User

This would be a great feature to have! I know I have coworkers that would love to have this ability.

Regular Contributor


Great - glad I'm not crazy! The feature service was published via ArcMap (10.5), then the survey was created using the hosted feature service in Survey123 connect (2.3) on windows. I wish further testing went into some of these apps before they go live - these types of bugs can be really costly when we rely on these apps daily for data collection. Thanks for looking into this, and hopefully this leads to a quick update?


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil,

Yes, we are looking into correcting this issue with an update as quickly as we are able to.

Occasional Contributor

I'm happy to share the form James, I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to attach it. There used to be a paperclip button on the bottom right to add attachments but I'm not seeing it anywhere now.

Occasional Contributor

I just saw your post above mentioning editing permissions with services hosted on AGOL. Both the surveys we are having problems with had it set so Editors could see all features but only edit their own. I switched both surveys to allow editors to edit ALL features and have sent a message to staff to give it a try. If that works, I'll report back here.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tara,

you can send it to me over e-mail jtedrick AT

Regular Contributor

Got an update for Survey123 on Android this evening - - seems to have fixed the issue! Surveys with attachments are now submitting. Can you confirm this was fixed with this release? Thanks for the quick turnaround.


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil- yes, 2.4.72 was created to address the issues experienced with submission.  The Android versions been released, the iOS version will be as soon as it clears the Apple App Store review.

Regular Contributor

Awesome!! Thanks so much. Is windows included as well? 

Just to note - I worked with an ESRI support person on this for a few hours, but didn't a response that led to anything being done. But a post on a blog did? Just seems like the support channels should be communicating a bit better in some ways.

Either way, thanks for your help in this. I feel like the Survey123 team is one of the most responsive I've dealt with for ESRI products.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Phil,

Windows will be available soon as well. 

On the issue that was affecting your surveys- you are one of a few different issues that had the same root cause within the Survey123 app- this was initially brought to the product team's attention on Thursday and we have been working to address since.

Regular Contributor

Great! I did not know that Survey123 supports the ability to edit related tables. 

One more question about Suvey123. Is there a known issue with email address being dropped? Thanks.


Occasional Contributor

That did it soon as I set the editor permissions to be able to edit everything and not just their own points, then staff were able to successfully submit data to both surveys! I saw in a post above that there is an update out for the app, does that address this problem as well? Just wondering when it might be safe to change the editing permissions back to just being able to alter their own.

Thanks so much!


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Tara,

Yes the update to the app does fix the submission issue affected by the editor permissions.  Android as been released; we expect it to be available for iOS shortly.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Will,

To our knowledge, there currently is not an issue with e-mail questions being dropped.  To confirm are using the 'email' question type or a property() function; note that both will only provide values when a user is logged in.

Regular Contributor

Email question type in the XLS form. Out of around 800 surveys there were 50 with missing emails. All users were logged into Survey123, because usernames were posted. 30-40 different users submitted surveys over a one week period. Email addresses dropped sometimes for some users. Thank you.  -Will

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks James!!!! You guys are awesome....

Frequent Contributor

Is there a systems requirements page to tell which graphics cards work with Survey123? I've updated my graphics cards (and the BIOS) but am still getting the black and white blocky window.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi April,

Survey123 uses the QT programming environment; it requires either DirectX11 or DirectX9 support; additionally, OpenGL 2.0 support is needed (which is what the DirectX libraries should be providing). 

Also, just to check, the application worked previously, correct?  Was that version 2.3 (July) or another version?  There were significant changes to underlying code at 2.3.

Frequent Contributor

I hadn't used it in quite a while - several months. I don't think I had updated it since a month or two after the UC last year (2016). 

I'm checking into the DirectX and OpenGL information...

Frequent Contributor

This morning, I tried to uninstall Survey123. It crashed, so I went in and manually deleted the folder. Then I ran a search and deleted everything else I could find in other folders related to Survey123. After a restart, I reinstalled the software. It is now working for me.

Still not sure what the problem was, but a complete uninstall and reinstall seems to have fixed it.

Esri Contributor

I'm interested in the xlsform for the Transmission Tower Inspection, can you please share it? (in particulair the calculation that sets the picture for the annotation) 

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Ruben. You can download the XLS file from here: Transmission - Box   Import the XLS file in Connect and then manually copy the images to the media folder in your survey.

Esri Contributor

Thank you!

Deactivated User

The annotate functionality is great! Thanks!

I'm trying to show different images based on relevancy for a Ski Patrol incident form. Prior questions include Lift # and Terminal (top or bottom) so if Lift 1 AND "top terminal" are selected, a diagram of the top terminal of lift 1 appears and can be annotated to show how and where an incident occurred.

${lift} = '1' and ${terminal} = 'top' does not seem to work. Any suggestions?

Frequent Contributor

Try: ${lift} = '1' and selected(${terminal},'top')

Deactivated User

That worked! Thanks! Now do I need to change the calculation in order for the image to work as the background for annotation? I have concat(${lift},".png") and it's working for a few lifts that don't need top/bottom terminal selections, but I just get a blank drawing pad where the relevant statement is ${lift} = '1' and selected(${terminal},'top').

Frequent Contributor

I am not quite sure what you area asking, can you share your form or screen shot of the part that is giving you problems?