Survey123 Tricks of the Trade: External choice lists

02-18-2022 03:23 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
12 21 26.5K


In this blog, you will learn about external choice lists. External choice lists  allow you to work with lists stored outside of your XLSForm document, as CSV files.

When used appropriately, external choice lists can help you:

  • Boost the performance of very large lists in the Survey123 field app
  • Reuse a single list across multiple surveys
  • Streamline updates to lists

I will assume that you are already familiar with XLSForm and Survey123 Connect.

When to use external choice lists?


Large lists: If your survey includes lists with more than a few thousand choices, it is generally a good idea to use external choice lists. They will give you a performance boost both in Survey123 Connect during the design process, as well as when your form is loaded in the Survey123 field app.

When you add very large lists in the choices worksheet of your XLSForm, you will note that the form validation process in Survey123 Connect slows down. This is because the content of the choices worksheet needs to be processed and uploaded into ArcGIS before it can be validated.

By moving your lists away from the choices worksheet into an external CSV file, the XLSForm validation process accelerates. On an average Windows machine, it takes Survey123 Connect about 3 seconds to process a list with 10,000 choices. If you move that list into a CSV file, it takes just over half a second.  A list with 100,000 records in the choices worksheet can take more than 1 minute to process. The same list stored as a CSV file will process in less than 1 second.

The performance boost is also noticeable when you work with big lists in the Survey123 field app. Nobody likes to wait for a form to open!    Specifically, the very first time a survey is loaded into the Survey123 field app, indexes are built to optimize the form.  Indexes on very large lists can be built much more quickly from a CSV file than from the choices worksheet.  Indexes are only built once, when the form is opened for the first time on the device, but the time difference is substantial.

If you use an external choice list in CSV format, the Survey123 field app will index it in less than a second even if you have many tens of thousands of records.

I generally use external choice lists when:

  • A list contains more than 500 choices. In this case, I put the list into its own CSV file.
  • When the combined number of choices across all the lists I have in the choices worksheet is larger than 500. In this case, I take the larger lists I have away from the XLSForm file and save them as CSV files.


Shared lists and streamlined list updates: As you design more and more surveys, you will see yourself having to reuse lists across multiple XLSForms.   If items in the list change, updating the XLSForm designs across all  of your surveys can be time consuming and error prone. Not to mention that for your changes to take effect, you will also need to re-publish every survey.

External choice lists bring clear advantages in this case: Replacing a CSV file is much easier than going into an XLSForm file an updating the contents of a worksheet.  Even better, it is possible to have your survey reference a CSV file stored in ArcGIS! This means that many surveys can point to a single master list. Whenever you change that list, all the surveys will reflect the change. As I will describe later, this is done through content linking.

Should you then always use external choice lists? Not necessarily. I  bet all your Survey123 forms include a 'yes/no' list. That is not a good candidate for a master list in CSV format. For lists that do not change and have few options, the choices worksheet within your XLSForm is the best place.

If you have a list that changes somewhat frequently, say once a month, or once a year, then using a linked external choice list is probably a good idea. This applies to surveys for the Survey123 field app as well as for web surveys. CSV items in ArcGIS can be updated manually, and programmatically.

Check out this Python notebook that @ZacharySutherby put together to programmatically update CSV files in your ArcGIS organization using the ArcGIS API for Python.

If you need to deal with a list that changes very frequently, such a daily or hourly, you may want to look at other alternatives such as dynamic lists. Dynamic lists are populated by querying an ArcGIS layer. Brett discusses their use in his Dynamic Choice Lists using Search Appearance blog post.

How to create an external choice list

External choice lists are stored as CSV files. Unlike the choices worksheet in your XLSForm, which can contain multiple lists in a single worksheet, a CSV file can only contain one list.  The rules to create the CSV file are:

  • The filename cannot contain spaces. The name of the file, becomes the name of your list.
  • You must include at least two columns: name and label (just like in the choices worksheet):
    • The name column includes the choice codes. No special characters, spaces or duplicates allowed.
    • The label will be used to present the choice to the user.

In the screenshot below you can see a CSV file listing all Angiosperm families common in Brazil.


External choice lists can support other standard XLSForm columns such as language, but not the media and image columns (as of May 2022).  The rules to use them are the same as for the choices worksheet in the XLSForm.

If you want to use choice filters, you can also add extra columns, just like you would if you were working in the choices worksheet of your XLSForm. In the example below, the CSV includes a list of common plant species in Brazil, and their corresponding family. The family column has been added to support choice filters in the Survey123 form.


As a general rule, you want to keep information in the CSV file to a minimum. If you do not need a column to support your survey, drop it from the CSV file.

One last note: If you use Microsoft Excel to put together your CSV file, choose the CSV UTF-8 option when saving. This will avoid issues with special characters included in the labels of your choices.



How to use external choice lists in Survey123 Connect


To work with external choice lists in Survey123 Connect, copy them into your survey's media folder. If you click on the Files button in Survey123 Connect, it will take you there with a couple of clicks.


You can store one or more CSV files within the media folder. Once you have the lists in the media folder you can reference them from your XLSForm design.


XLSForm basics


External choice lists are used with the select_one_from_file and select_mutliple_from_file question types. They are similar to a select_one and select_multiple, but:

  • The Survey123 Standard and Advanced design templates do not include these question types. When  you expand the list of available question types, you will not see them. You need to type it manually in the type column.
  • To indicate the list name, type the name of the CSV file including .csv at the end. Make sure the file is in your survey media folder and match the filename exactly. It is case sensitive!

Important: External choices are commonly used for large lists. If that is the case, you should consider using either the autocomplete or minimal appearances.  If you don't Survey123 will attempt to render all your choices in the form. If you have many thousands... it will not be pretty!



If you ever see Connect display a list like below, unable to display the proper labels, make sure your CSV file includes a column called label.  It is common to get CSV lists from other systems lacking a label column. Always remember to rename one of the columns as the label!




A step by step guide


Creating the CSV files

I downloaded a database of Brazilian plants from FigShare. Out of this database, I created a couple of CSVs, which you can find as attached to this article.  One CSV file for all the Angiosperm families, and a separate one for all the plant species. The original database looks like this:


Note that the first column (ID) has unique values. There is one unique ID for every plant species. This makes it a perfect candidate to become the name column in the Survey123 external choice list.  For the label, I simply concatenated the Especie (species) and Genero (genus) columns.

Since I was interested only on species, I used the Microsoft Excel remove duplicate function  to eliminate all plant subspecies and varieties.   After having the name and label columns with respectively, the plant IDs and their scientific name,  I removed all other columns to keep my CSV file as lightweight as possible.

I removed all except the family column, which I wanted to use to build a choice filter. The Brazil_Species CSV file ended up with over 76,000 unique choices.

To create the Brazil_Families CSV file I copied all the families into a new worksheet and then used the remove duplicate option to generate my list. I used the plant family values for both the name and label columns.

As you have seen, I was not able to use the original database right away. I had to massage the data to comply with the strict requirements I described above in the How to create an external choice list section. 

The original size of the database is over 20Mb. The size of two CSV files I created is around 3Mb. Again, you can find both files attached to this article.

Copying the CSV files into the survey's media folder

  • Open Survey123 Connect and sign in with your ArcGIS account
  • Create a new survey using the Advanced template
  • While in the design preview, click on the Files button from the left bar
  • Navigate to the media folder and paste the Brazil_Species.csv and Brazil_Families.csv files

Using the CSV lists in the form design

  • Add a new row into the XLSForm
  • Set the type to select_one_from_file Brazil_Families.csv
  • Set the name to family
  • Set the label to Plant Family
  • Set the appearance to autocomplete or minimal
  • Save the XLSForm design and let Survey123 Connect validate and display your form

The list of plant families has barely over 200 choices. It is a very small list, but you got it working! The plant species list has more than 70,000 choices.

  • Add a new row into the XLSForm
  • Set the type to select_one_from_file Brazil_Species.csv
  • Set the name to species
  • Set the label to Plant Species
  • Set the appearance to autocomplete
  • Set the choice_filter column to family=${family}
  • Save the XLSForm design and let Survey123 Connect validate and display your form
  • Note that the list of species will be filtered based on the selected family

 You can next publish your survey and try it in the Survey123 field app or in a web browser.

  • Publish your survey
  • Use the survey from the Survey123 field or web apps

Next, we are going to upload the CSV files into ArcGIS and link them to the survey. In this way, our CSV files could be reused again and again across many surveys. And if we were to add new plant species, we would just need to update the master CSV items in ArcGIS!

Uploading CSV files to ArcGIS

  • In Survey123 Connect, click on the Files button and copy the path to the survey's media folder. This will help us later when we need to browse to the files to upload them into ArcGIS
  • Using a web browser, sign in to ArcGIS
  • Navigate to the Content tab
  • Click on the New Item button as shown in the next screenshot


  • Select the Brazil_Species file and upload it. Remember that  you should have the path to its directory already in your clipboard.
  • In the New item dialog, make sure you don't create a hosted feature layer with the data in the CSV. We just want to upload the file


  • Set the title, tags and other properties and Save.
  • Share the new CSV item with the same groups you plan to share your survey with
  • Repeat the process to also upload the Brazil_Families.csv file

Linking the CSV items to your survey

  • In Survey123 Connect, click on the Linked Content tab
  • Click on the + Link Content button
  • Select the Brazil_Species item and click OK
  • Repeat to link the Brazil_Families item



Content linking does NOT require you to publish the form again. Once content has been linked, the Survey123 field and web apps will automatically check if the local copy of the content in the device needs to be refreshed or not. The check happens when the survey details page (the page where you see the Collect button) opens. Please note that no check is done if you bypass the survey details page. For example, no check will happen if you open the survey via app linking.


Programmatically updating CSV file items


CSV file items can be updated programmatically using a Python notebook. Check this sample written by Zach:


Frequent Contributor

If the csv is referenced in the Linked Content, does the device need to be online in order to work? Even if the list has been recently updated.

Cheers, Chris

Esri Notable Contributor

@ChrisRoberts2  Linked CSV files will work even if you are offline.  If online, Survey123 will check if your linked files need to be updated. The check happens when you open the survey, when the page with the Collect, Sent and other folders is shown.

MVP Regular Contributor

I've been using CSVs for external choice lists, and pulldata sources for a bit now. However I have encountered an issue as I brought them to AGOL to be updated using Python on a regular basis. When the file is included in the media folder of the survey, rows that have a piece with a quotation mark (") work fine, and the pulldata works as expected.

However, when the file is hosted on AGOL, it seems the " breaks the CSV. For the choice list it just skips that row, but when used for a pulldata I've found that any rows following that quote are no longer found.

Is there a difference in the way a CSV is held in the media folder vs AGOL that could cause this?

EDIT: Nevermind, I discovered in our previous copy it had included some extra quotes to eliminate these issues, working on figuring out how to fix the automated export from SQL Server now.


MVP Esteemed Contributor

I am not seeing this posted yet.

I love the new linked content csv.  I can update the lists of 12 forms at once.

But one issues is the form does not see the CSV change unless the user opens the about page of the form.  It does not show as a form update at the main page at the top with other form updates.

Also of course the other issue is nothing at all updates if you come in from a URL via Field Maps - which I believe is a known issue.  (that I really hope gets fixed since we yell at the crews to always launch for Field Maps)

So while it is now easy for me to update the list the users are never actually get the update.  Plus now they have to open up all 12 one by one.  So my life got easier while their life got harder.

Any advice on this or is it in the works?  @IsmaelChivite 

I am thinking even if the main page update all button did form updates AND CSV updates that would be a good start.

thanks a lot

MVP Regular Contributor

@DougBrowning it is a known issue under BUG-000141398. @IsmaelChivite  it would be great if this could be added to the blog until it is resolved. Using custom URL schemes to launch a survey is a standard workflow and like Doug said it's not really logical or viable to have fieldworkers open the survey form a dozen times each day to refresh the external choice lists. I wish I'd known this prior to setting up the surveys, now I have to walk back the changes. Thanks again and looking forward to the updates.

Frequent Contributor

@IsmaelChivite I agree with @DougBrowning. We launch pre-populated Surveys from FieldMaps and thus bypass the ability to see the "update" survey messaging within the app.



Frequent Contributor

Same issue here too!

Occasional Contributor

@IsmaelChivite Yes...We also launch Survey123 via custom URL from other Apps and the capability of ensuring the Survey123 Forms are always the most up-to-date, is critical.  Any word on when this will be honored when launching a Survey123 form via custom URL?

Frequent Contributor

I've got this setup for one survey - the CSV in the media folder, and then uploaded to my Portal and in the Linked Content of the survey. It appears to be working.

I opened another survey that uses the same list and linked the Portal csv in the Linked Content tab. It is not pulling the data from the csv. Do all surveys have to have the same csv in the media folder and in your Portal content? I thought I could have one list and keep one list updated instead of eight.

How can I link multiple surveys to the same csv in my Portal content?

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes you can link multiple forms but I think I found that you have to give it something to start with.  So put a copy in media then it will update going forward.  Try that.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks, @DougBrowning ! That did the trick! It's like magic now!

I copied the csv files into the media folders of all of the surveys. Updated the select_one questions to select_one_from_file, and published the survey. Then I added the Portal csv files to the Linked Content tab.

I added a new name to the csv and updated the Portal version, but not any of the ones in the media folders. All of the surveys are reflecting the new addition without having to be published again. Magic!  🙂

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Cool be aware that if they follow a URL link from Field Maps it skips the CSV and form updates.  Not sure if they fixed that yet?  

Frequent Contributor

+1 to @DougBrowning's request above for the direct linking NOT to by-pass survey updates. 

What's the point of "Require Update to the latest version of this survey" if it isn't enforced?



MVP Regular Contributor

I would like to add more support to getting a fix on the issue of it not updating the CSV linked content if opening from a URL scheme, it's definitely a problem for many workflows.

Is there any update on this?

Occasional Explorer

buenas tardes !! estoy teniendo dificultades para asociar listas .csv a las encuestas ., tome los recaudos de las las columnas name y label ., y de todas maneras se me esta produciendo este mensaje , segui todos los protocolos del BLOG y continua. desde ya muchas gracias



Frequent Contributor

Anyone know if there is a way to use a csv file as your external choice list and use a column to filter only a subset of those choices? For example, a column in the csv called "Include" and the values are Yes/No, and we only want the choices filled in as "Yes" to show up in the choice list?

MVP Regular Contributor

@Tiff Yes you are able to do that. I have one set up for my forms, I have the filter column titled WorkingGroup and then use an expression in the choice_filter column of the main form. I have done it with a regex or simple expression, you should be able to do it any way you would a regular choice filter expression.

regex(WorkingGroup,"FIELDS") or regex(WorkingGroup,"OTHER")


Frequent Contributor

Was this bug from several years ago fixed? Am I understanding it correctly that it wasn't or still isn't automatically getting the most current choice list if we point to a CSV on AGOL?

MVP Frequent Contributor

@Kevin_MacLeodDo you mean BUG-000141398? This is still an issue, and one I hope they fix soon after the next major release (when S123 moves from Qt to .Net Maui - no ETA yet)

MVP Regular Contributor
Forms and csvs still don't update unless survey launched directly from
survey123 and form is set to require update.

Contact support and add your account to the issue so you can escalate and
track it.
Frequent Contributor

@abureaux Yes that is it. We launch Survey123 from Field Maps. Ideally, CSV choice Lists should update automatically. This is a vital long-standing bug to fix.