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Survey123 Hands-on Session January 17, 2024: ArcGIS Python API

01-02-2024 09:00 AM
Esri Notable Contributor
8 0 1,320


The Survey123 module in the ArcGIS Python API will get a big boost in 2024. We will host hosted a live hands-on session on January 17, 2024 so you can learn what's coming and provide feedback.

Update January 17, 2024: Check the video below if you missed it!



Publishing surveys using Python is one of the most popular requests in regards with Python automation. We have been working hard on that one and this session will focus on that.  After a brief introduction to get you started, you will have a chance to test new operations to publish surveys from Python and provide feedback to the development team. 

To prepare for this session, check this Early Adopter documentation and sharpen your ArcGIS Python API skills. Register for this event completing this form