This is my contribution to notify to an user (if not using survey123 in disconnected mode) than the form needs to be reload.
How it‘s working:
You publish a table in AGOL with a field contained the version info (VAL_VERSION), each time you open the form in the field survey123 a function *js send and ID, retrieve the version and the calculation perform the comparison
This example uses a javasript function to send and ID and retrieve the version
What you need:
- The javascript code in the zip (contain, the *.xls and the *.js function)
- Create a reference table or a feature service hosted in AGOL( don't forget to share the table to the same group using yours Survey123)
- The url of the reference table to retrieve the official value. The table is publish in AGOL. I provide a example of the table, see the cvs to create the table on AGOL.
- Add an folder named "extensions" in the survey123 project containing the *.js.
Note :To make the JS functioning, each time you modify this the *.js file you need to close and reopen the survey123 connect app
All the configuration are done from the xls
This is the detail of the values in the XLS ant in the JS function :
Javascript function:
function QueryFeatureLayerByField(featureLayer,Queryfield,Value,outFields,token,debugmode)
Pulldata *.xls:
variable in the function *.js | values | pulldata correspondance | details |
featureLayer | "https..../0" | ${myURLversion} | table's URL |
Queryfield | ID | "ID" | the ID field for the query |
Value | 1 | string(${ID_version}) | the value to retrieve in the query , ID = 1 |
outFields | * | "*" | fied retrieve from the query. ou can choose all the field * or a specific field “VAL_VERSION” |
Survey123 connect:
Exemple of the table:
This method could be also use to retrieve other info (from the survey himself, past summit ) to populate default value info.
thanks for the *.js code and the idea to @Chelsea Rozek for the post Force update to new survey
and the post