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Getting Started with Public Surveys

11-10-2016 12:24 AM
Esri Notable Contributor
11 61 46.5K

Public surveys are ideal for crowd-sourcing and citizen-science initiatives because an ArcGIS account is not needed to use the survey. Anyone can submit data. Public surveys are also handy when you need to gather information from the public, measure opinions about initiatives, provide the means to report issues, etc.

In the following example, you can see how Frederick County, in Maryland, provided a public survey for citizens and businesses to report property damage and loss after a flash flooding event in May 2018.  Public surveys like this can be put together very quickly and help you gather information right away.

A public survey can be embedded in a website as you can see, but can also be setup for people to use in the Survey123 field app. This is ideal in situations where participants will contribute to your survey again and again, or while disconnected from the network.  A good scenario may involve a public survey so a group of volunteers can repeatedly report environmental issues found.  The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) chose to make a survey public and encouraged volunteers to download it into the Survey123 app.

The New York Department of Environmental Quality offers a logbook so anglers can report stripped bass catches to help protect the fishery.  The logbook was made with a Survey123 made public, which gets downloaded into the Survey123 app.   This is part of the Stripped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program.

In the City of Sharon, Pennsylvania, an army of volunteers mapped thousands of houses using a public survey.

How to make a survey public?

Making a survey public is straight-forward. First go into the web site and select your survey from the gallery.  Open the Collaborate tab and share the survey with everyone.

If the option to share with everyone is not shown, then either permissions to share with Everyone have been revoked from your ArcGIS account, or sharing with Everyone has been disabled in your ArcGIS organization all together. Ask your ArcGIS administrator for details.

Sharing your survey with everyone is just a first step. If nobody knows about your survey, nobody will contribute data to it. Keep reading to understand how people can open your public survey.

How to promote and open a public survey?

From the Collaborate tab, you can easily obtain URLs to open your public survey.

You can use the survey URL to create HTML links in your own web site, or include them in e-mails, blogs etc.  Note that you can obtain URLs that will open your survey in a web browser, or alternatively URLs that will automatically open your survey within the field app.

Your survey in a web browser: The use of the URLs to open the survey in a web browser is particularly straight-forward: you can embed the link pretty much anywhere, including a tweet, your facebook page... and contributors will not need anything but a web browser to submit data: It will work in desktops, tablets and even smartphones. 

The link to open the survey in the Survey123 field app deserves a more detailed explanation.

Your survey in the Survey123 field app: First of all, for the Survey123 field app link to work, you want people install first the Survey123 app. In the next screenshot for example you can see how we encourage people though an invitation email to download and install the app first.  You will also observe that the URLs provided from the Collaborate tab have been embedded in the e-mail as HTML links.

If you decide to promote your public survey through a web site, you can follow a similar approach: Tell people to download the app first, and then load the survey. Here is an example from the County of San Bernardino, in California.

You can also get creative and describe the process through a video, like shown below.

It is also important to remember that public surveys can only be open in the Survey123 field app by using the provided link. It is not possible to download public surveys from the Download Gallery. We did this on purpose, because we do not want people to get distracted with random public surveys in the gallery.

How to secure data  in a public survey?

By definition, a public survey is accessible to anyone who wants to submit data to it, but that does not mean that anyone should be able to look at the data itself. If your public Survey123 form contains sensitive information, you should configure your survey to prevent users in the public domain from downloading, querying or changing already submitted data.

If you published your public survey using Survey123 designer check the blog post. If your survey was created in Survey123 Connect, check .

How to track contributions to your public survey?

In most crowd-sourcing projects and certainly in citizen-science initiatives, it is important to track who is contributing what. It is important for a couple of reasons: First, to help out curate the data. Second, to recognize the work of the best contributors so they can be recognized and rewarded.    In a typical Survey123 survey, you will always know exactly who is contributing data, when and what data is contributed by whom... as long as they use ArcGIS accounts. In a public survey, however, you are granting permission to anyone to contribute so all of those submitting data without an ArcGIS account will be counted as one: as the general public.

It is always possible to include a question in your survey where contributors can provide their identity. The new e-mail question type included with Survey123's Web Designer is perfect for that.

You can track the activity of your survey' contributions by using the Survey123 website. The Overview tab will give you key stats:

The Survey123 website lets you quickly understand when data is contributed and by who

The screenshot above illustrates one of the several ways in which the Survey123 website will help you  understand contributed data. The line chart shows the number of surveys submitted over time.

Below a view of the Analyze tab, which summarizes every question added to your survey.  There are multiple options to control how the information will be visually represented (as a bar, pie or column chart as well as maps) as well as filters to display the specific questions and time windows to be summarized.

From the Survey123 website you can also download the data of your survey in CSV, Shapefile and FileGeodatabase formats.

I got the data I needed. And now what?

First of all, you may want to stop accepting data from contributors. Unsharing your survey from the Collaborate  tab is a definitive way to stop incoming contributions while preserving your data for further visualization and analysis.

The Survey123 website gives you several options to understand contributed data, but at some point may want to also share the results of your work. I personally like the use of Story Maps, Web AppBuilder and the Configurable Application Templates included with ArcGIS.  All submitted data to a survey is kept in a feature layer, which you can use from any of this apps.

This quick video can give  you some ideas to get started. One of my favorites to make  the results of your survey shine is Story Maps

We hope you enjoy public surveys.  Go play!

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Kassandra,

I noticed this awhile back but quickly went to a workaround which resolves the issue and makes more sense to me anyways: Create a hosted VIEW (when viewing the initial hosted layer in AGOL, click the "create new layer" button) and apply your conservative settings to this (i.e. "editors can't see anything, even data they submit"), change to sharing to eevryone and use this in your S123 form. Then change your original to a master/admin version with full editing conrtols but is shared only to you. I also create several other views for each set of data: a staff-only, read-only (so others in your org can view the full set of data); a staff edit version (if others might need to edit the data); and a public, read-only view (so public can see data in webmap but they only see a limited set of attributes).


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Melinda,

Refer to Set hosted feature layer view definition—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS for the steps to alter a view's definition.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Ingo,

The latter workflow (survey submit > confirmation e-mail > response to approve) can be enabled via webhooks.

With regard to CAPTCHA support, this has been discussed; see for a discussion, including limitations (as CAPTCHAs only affect the web form interface and not the underlying REST service).

Esri Contributor

Hi James,

first answer sounds good. But in consequence my question is how? Is there any description? I have already worked with MS Flow. But there it was only possible to trigger an email to the administrator when a new entry was sent. But this it not what we need.

The answer for second case is clear, but also a function worked only on the level of form interface should be helpful and it can protect against bots (hope so) and bad guys working via the form.   

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Ingo,

In MS Flow, there is an Approval action that can be implemented - see Easily Automate approval workflows. - Microsoft Flow | Microsoft Docs 

Frequent Contributor

This is promising. To use this view in the S123 form, you change the submission_url to point to the view, right? I've also changed the original to full admin privileges and have shared it only to myself as the owner. However, I still can't view the data in the S123 website. Is there another step/setting involved?

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Melinda,


Just letting you know we have been working on public survey update notifications in the latest Survey123 RC builds available on the Early Adopter Community (EAC). The new feature will now alert the user in the field app when an updated survey is available. A notification banner will be displayed at the top of the gallery page, as well as a new update surveys page to bulk download updated surveys and the user will also be alerted when trying to open a survey that has an update. This enables the user to do an update of the survey before proceeding to collect a new survey record.


Please test out the latest 3.9 RC2 builds and provide any feedback via the EAC user forums for this new feature. You can find the 3.9 RC2 announcement with details on EAC.




Frequent Contributor

Hi James Tedrick  Ismael Chivite‌,
I am experiencing this same BUG-000110691 (case #02548621) and being told that 

The BUG has already been reviewed but was dismissed as expected behaviour and a known limit. The workaround is to share the viewing permissions in with a group so you can use another account to view the results.

This expects that we have a 'spare' user account lying around (which we do not). Has there been any update on a better approach to dealing with this from the Survey123 end? It looks like there are no plans to resolve this BUG.


Occasional Contributor

Hi Ismael,

Is Public Surveys now supported in Portal for ArcGIS (especially in the field app)? 

New Explorer

Hi there @IsmaelChivite @JamesTedrick 

I created a Covid Health Screening form for my company, it is a public survey. If an employee notes any symptoms, they are to inform their line manager. For this Yes /No Question, I would like to insert a trigger email notification, is this possible?



Emerging Contributor

Hello - I am experiencing a new issue with a Survey123 form that I have shared publicly and set to open in the web browser. When folks click the link or scan the QR code for the survey, they are prompted to "sign-in to access the item on ArcGIS online". Since the survey is shared publicly, it shouldn't require a sign-in. And in fact, if the user clicks the "X" in the upper right corner of the pop-up (twice), the sign-in box goes away and the user is able to enter information into the form without signing in. 



To eliminate confusion, I would like to eliminate this pop-up box. How can I do that??