I tried to add a web page to my collection using embed, but I get an This content isn’t supported error.
Tried a different web page and it worked.
I also tried embedding the first web page within a StoryMap, and that gave me a card with a link to the page. When I tried the second web page within a StoryMap it shows displays as interactive content.
I assume pages that only can be "embedded" cards won't be possible to embed in a collection. But my question is how do I know wich web pages that can be embedded (for real not just as links/cards)? Is there any documentation on this?
If I for example could be able to influence the content of a web page, how would I make it embeddable?
A web page must meet certain security requirements to be embedded in a collection or shown as a live embed in a story. For example, it must support https and allow embedding via the correct CORS headers, such as Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
We're working on some documentation on this that we'll try to make available early in 2022.
Thanks, it would be great with documentation so we know what we have to comply with.