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Section link doesn't work on sidecars with web maps

05-22-2023 09:00 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor


I have a storymap where I use a docked sidecar layout. As a media I am using a map in the sidecar. The problem I describe below appears with the sidecar layout only.

I have also another map which I configured its popup with arcade so that when I click on a feature on that map I would be able to move to the different sections of my storymap to read more about a specific attribute. I have used the storymaps section links to do this together with arcade. This has been working fine until recently.

My links won’t open now at all. It took me a while to understand that the problem is with the webmap in the storymap. When I delete the webmap from the storymap the hyperlinks in my other webmap that refer to the different sections of my storymaps work fine. They also work fine when instead of a map I embed an app in my sotymap. I realize that this is a bug. Is this the first time it is being reported? When is this going to be solved? 

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8 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @andreoudi,

Would you be able to send a link to the story where you are seeing this issue so we can see the behavior when the web map is within the story? Is the web map you are removing using the same data as the other web map, and is this web map within the sidecar? Or is it a standalone web map?



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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for your reply!

I have built an experience builder site and I have embedded the story maps in it. The other web map, the one that is not embedded in the story maps, I build in experience builder (based on a web map). The site is not public yet: Kulturmiljöer i Kalmar (

Is there a way for you to test this even if the site is not public yet? If you can, you can go to "Bebyggelseinventering". The object that opens is called "Domkyrkan". Klick on "Historisk kärna". The section doesn't open. Klick then e.g., on "Klassificering". The section opens without any problem. The difference between the two is the story maps layout and that there is a web map embedded in the sidecar.

The map I am using in the sidecar doesn’t necessarily have the same data as the web map. But even when it does it doesn’t work.

The link from the web map refers to a specific section in the story map, in this case a heading. Even if the heading is outside a sidecar and there is a sidecar in the story map with a web map in it it doesn’t work. If the sidecars don’t have a web map or if they instead have embedded apps it works.

Even when I open the web map directly, not through the experience site, the links that direct you to a story map that have an embedded map in sidecar don’t work.

Thank you for looking into this!

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @AbbyE_Esri ,

Have you had the chance to look at this?


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Esri Contributor

Hi @andreoudi ,

I haven't been able to test with your story, as it is not public. I was also trying to reproduce this on my end, but was unable to do so. Would you be able to send a screenshot of the general configuration of the Experience Builder app and sidecar? I may be mimicking the formatting of the apps differently than you are, so I'm unable to see the behavior you're describing.


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Occasional Contributor

Hi @AbbyE_Esri ,

I have now created a test layer and a test map that I can share with you. 

The map is the following: test_section_link (

I configured the pop up to show links that are based on some attributes. Each link brings you to a different story map. 

When I click on the first link on the items pop up, the story map doesn't open. This is the story map with the sidecar. The link to the story map is the following: Områdes- och kvartersbeskrivningar (
When I click on the second link on the items pop up I go to the right section of my second story map. That second story map doesn't include a sidecar. That is the only difference between the two story maps.
I even created a third simple test story map with sidecar just to be sure that there is no issue with my original story map but I experience the same problem.
I experience the same behaviour in different browsers such as edge, chrome and firefox.
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Occasional Contributor

Hi @AbbyE_Esri ,

Above I wrote that I experience problems even with the third story map I created as a test (the last to links of the pop up are linked to that). That is not the issue anymore. It works. The last two links of the pop up work. What can thus be the issue? Can it be issues based on the size of the story maps or the amount of section links that are included in a story map?

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Esri Contributor

Hi @andreoudi ,

Thanks for sending over those examples. I can confirm I am also not able to see the issue with the test pop ups and stories you created. How many section links do you have in your test story versus your original story? Additionally, how many sidecars do you have in comparison?

This may be a good case to bring to Esri Technical Support. They will be able to do some more in depth troubleshooting with you to get a reproducible workflow that we could then use to document and resolve a defect if one exists.


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Occasional Contributor

Hi @AbbyE_Esri ,

Do you mean that you can open this link: This previous link is one section-link from the original story map that I now have problems opening.

The original story map is this: Områdes- och kvartersbeskrivningar (

As you can see the story map contains 8 headings and each heading contains on average 30 section links.

The test story maps I created and linked to the test map above (test_section_link ( I created with the same principal as the original story map. The original story map worked fine for me at the beginning, when it was smaller in size (when it had fewer headings and fewer section links) but as it became bigger the section links stopped opening.

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