We can now link to different sections within a StoryMap, and this is great functionality!
But is there a way to link to the next StoryMap in a collection? We want to prompt the user to change to the next tab, rather than close the window.
Hi @Anneka_France! That's not possible right now, but we've been thinking about that too. We don't have a specific timeline for this yet, but make sure to vote for this idea, if you haven't already. Would also be great if you could share some ideas about how this would work (on the idea thread) as well so we have a good idea of what you're expecting.
is this fucntionality now available? I am creating a collection and wish users to be able to click a link at any point in the storymap and it will take them to a point in another storymap or another storymap in that collection without it opening a new window?