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Text Import/Generator Function

06-24-2024 07:56 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone!

I wish there was a way to write content in a Word Doc or Google Doc and have that text automatically generate into a Story Map template with some type of import or tool.

For example:

• Take a PDF or Word Doc file type

• In Story Maps > click on the tool menu in the template > add some type of text import generator tool

• Select the document that you want to use > the text automatically generates in the Story Map from that document. Users can then add maps/images/and other media to the Story Map

I know this is a bit of a long shot, but it would be super cool if there was a tool like that.

Thank you and I hope everyone is having a good summer!

1 Comment

Cool Idea. This could be doable in python most likely.

I think to start the first point to work around is making a template for how the data should look, maximum character count, and the image dimensions. Then developing a tool to match the template to import the data from the document to the map would go easier.

Try taking a look at python-docx as it is a Python library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (.docx) files. For images I have no idea if this library supports images and how it would interact with arcpro.