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Swipe - Allow readers to expand slider

08-31-2021 02:27 AM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

The slider should provide the possibility analogous to the pictures "allow readers to expand slider", so that the slider can take the whole size of the screen. This is especially important for the use of storymaps on mobile devices with relatively small screens (compared with desktop devices).

If I remember correctly, there was this function in an earlier variant, which used some sort of indicators. I believe similar to the expand map to full screen indicator, see attachement. Now it has unfortunately been removed. Please reintroduce the possibility to allow reader to expand slider.


The same goes for the images in a storymap.

In a previous version of storymaps, there was an icon in the top right corner to enlarge the image or slider. If we remember correctly this functionality was lost in favor of an image description. Please re-introduce this functionality again (without losing the ability to describe an image/slider) as it is really important to enlarge the image or slider on mobile devices to full screen. 

We are aware that you can enlarge the entire screen using two fingers. This is however not the desired behaviour as it also enlarges the button of the slider, which covers up anyway too much space and would cover up even more space if the image/slider was enlarged using two fingers.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Please re-integrate this enlarge functionality. At the moment a story map with a slider is useless if you open it on the smartphone. You literally don't see anything. And if you manually enlarge the slider images, the slider button enlarges, too. At the end you only see this huge huge slider button on your screen. Please have a look on this problem on your own smartphone:

And as the former contributor mentioned: do not delete the describe button instead.

Btw: Slider on desktop works fine!