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Point symbol in map tour explorer layout

08-06-2021 03:57 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor

I make map tour explorer layout and use location in map. Because I use my own basemap connected to storymap topic, it can helps, if i can change symbol of location point like in express map, not only colour. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration

@AnnaHradecká -- Thanks for sharing this idea. We are looking into this for a future release, but we do not have a specific timeline for this yet.

Are the options currently available for express maps sufficient (change size, color, upload a custom image), or are there other types of symbol changes you are looking for?


@OwenGeo  Thank for answer. Yes, options currently avaible for express maps are sufficient. Most important is for me option of uploading custom image.

Status changed to: Implemented

There is a new explorer tour layout called Categorized that enables you to specify the color and icon for each group of points.

For more information, see What's new in ArcGIS StoryMaps (February 2025)