Increase spacing between bullets

01-25-2021 05:32 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Is there something in the product plan to have the ability to increase spacing between bulleted items? I have been asked by several colleagues when building story maps to increase spacing between bulleted items. A workaround for this is instead of hitting the return key to continue the list I make a new text block and add the bullet. I must do this line by line. As you can imagine this can become very time consuming when you have long lists.


Here is an example of what I am talking about. The first three bullets are creating as one text block hitting return after each item. The next three are created by adding a new text block for each item. Visually this looks more appealing.



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I wanted to chime in here to add to the idea - would it be possible to have custom numbering options? We are creating student activities and would like to include images throughout the procedure (numbered list) and still maintain continuous numbering. But the image is a new block and we then have to start the numbering over in the next text block. 

I tried to find another thread about this idea, but this was the closest I could find, so hoping this is still under consideration - thanks!