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Include option for interactive maps in StoryMap PDF export

12-07-2023 05:50 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
MVP Regular Contributor

ArcGIS Pro supports exporting a map as a PDF with some interactivity. While a capability like that it Pro would not support all of the great ways one can interact with a map in StoryMaps, it would serve well when the interactivity requirements are simple. For example, when presenting a set of features with popups for a reader to explore embedded in a story. In a PDF reader, like Adobe Acrobat, a person would be able to read the story, and interact with the map by selecting features and viewing their attributes, and seeing the feature highlighted on the map.

For example, in this map of trees in a city park, exported from Pro, a user can browse the list of trees and select one to view its attributes and its location on the map. 


While our user interest in this capability is for StoryMaps, I'm sure it would be a welcome addition to the Map Viewer as well, and I would guess it would have to be implemented in Online first, so available broadly, including to StoryMaps?


1 Comment

I would agree with this idea 100% as we have a need to archive items.  We have things our Special Collections archivist would like to have with that interactivity.  In talking with colleagues at other insitutions they are saying the same thing.  For example, Yale has a map prize ( and this year @MiriamOlivares1  mentioned that they had a StoryMap win and that functionality would help in their archiving of this data. 

Additionally, I would think any local government or other agency that has retention policies may have this same need regarding their StoryMaps.