Improve how StoryMaps handles overwriting Description in Item Information

12-15-2021 06:36 AM
Status: Implemented
MVP Regular Contributor

The 3 November 2021 StoryMaps Update added the feature: "When a story is published, its first few paragraphs are added to its ArcGIS item description."

An unfortunate side effect of this new functionality is that if a user crafted their own Description prior to 3 November, then it now gets wiped out when they next publish their StoryMap. If they go back and fix their Description, it is overwritten again the next time they publish their story.

This loss of content is not a behavior users are expecting, nor does it appear to be desired by any of our users. It seems others are experiencing similar issues with this change as well, such as @JosZwambach1 notes in Description overwritten by storymap.  

Also, this a behavior that is not shared with other item types in ArcGIS Online, which contributes to the confusion.

What is the rationale for StoryMaps overwritten the Description in Item Details, in particular if a user has already provided their own content for it? Is there some benefit this enables that we are overlooking?

We would like to have full control over this field returned to the user. 

Perhaps if there is a good reason to have StoryMaps populate the Description field with a story excerpt, then that could be an option controlled per item by the user, with the default being no overwriting? Or, perhaps the auto-updating during story publication should only happen if a user has not manually modified the Description already?

Status changed to: In Product Plan

@PeterKnoop We have received a good number of requests for this and it is high on our list. We're working on an enhancement to provide authors with the option to keep item info in sync with their story or not.

We intend to have this available in Q1 2022.

Status changed to: Implemented

@PeterKnoop - I apologize that we didn't update this thread, but this was implemented a while ago. Let us know if you have any additional feedback on this feature.

Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 8.16.16 AM.jpg


I am still having this issue as of November 2023. Is that a bug?


@AmyRoust - Could you share some details about what issue you are having? Are you unchecking the option described above and still seeing the item details update when you publish?


@OwenGeo - I completely missed that checkbox! Now that it's unchecked, I bet I won't have that issue anymore. Thank you!


@AmyRoust -- OK, no problem. I hope that addresses the issue you're having!