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Customizable zoom for each point of a "Map Tour" story map

07-30-2014 07:44 AM
Status: Implemented
Deactivated User
It should be nice to be able to set a customizable zoom for each point in a Map Tour.
In the same story map, it is relevant to see some sites at a 1:2k scale and others at 1:5k or 1:10k according to the extent of the site wich is described
Status changed to: Implemented

Given the date this idea was created, I'm guessing that this was requested for the classic Story Map Tour template. However, this capability was one of the first things we added to the new map tour block in ArcGIS StoryMaps.

This collection has a tutorial that describes how to set the scale/zoom for each point and also contains lots of great examples of map tours created using ArcGIS StoryMaps: 

Marking this as implemented...


Is it possible to set a custom zoom for each point of a data driven map explorer tour? According to the documentation ( "Set an initial zoom level that will be used for all the tour places, or set a custom zoom level for an individual stop using the scale drop-down menu in the map tourOptions pane."  However, in the options menu, the help hint says that the zoom level is for all the points of the tour.