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Apply Organizational Theme to new StoryMap Builder Apps

10-02-2019 01:10 PM
Occasional Contributor

It would be nice if the Organizational Theme setting would also apply to the recently introduced StoryMap builder templates - this would help improve consistency and branding of our organizational apps.

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Hello - Thanks for sharing this feature request. We are looking to add this capability to a future release.

Could you please provide a little more information about how you'd expect the organization's shared theme aspects to be available in the story to help us meet your needs?

  • How would you expect the shared theme colors to be applied to the story?
  • Are all the shared theme colors important to carry over to the story map theme or are some of them less important? For example, stories currently use only a light or dark header. Are the shared theme header colors important to your organization or would it be sufficient if the other shared theme colors were applied? 
  • Would you need to use a different logo in certain stories, or would you want the shared theme logo to always be applied in all cases if you are using the organization's shared theme?
  • Any other expectations for this feature?

Hello Owen,

I think our primary need is for our organizational color scheme (primarily header) and organizational logos to persist – this is to facilitate consistency in identity and branding of public facing products.

Thank you for your consideration.

Eric Aiello

Branch Chief, Geospatial Services (Acting)

Forest Service

Chief Information Office, Mission Support Systems



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