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Ability to include data in Express Maps

12-03-2020 07:52 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Express maps are extremely useful since they allow GIS and non GIS experts to annotate maps and help tell the story.  However, the inability to use existing data layers hinders its adoption.

It would be wonderful if ESRI could:

-Allow hosted (and non-hosted) data to be used in express maps or...

-Add express map annotations to the new ArcGIS Online Map (beta) as an option


Many times we have existing data that is just easier to have symbolized in the map and then "marked up" with more stylish annotation to tell the story rather than using the labeling functionality, please consider adding this functionality!


This would be really useful. Sometimes we want to add the annotation/labels over the top of other map layers to help users to interpret the data.


I vote the latter, adding express map functionality to the map viewer, so that the data in the maps can be re-used in different apps.


When first reading this, I just thougt that the sketch tool already exists in the web map. But the I looked in to it and realized that the sketch tool in the express map is more advanced/flexible than the sketch tool in the new map viewer. That's really wierd since express maps is supposed to be very simple, I think it is a matter of course that the sketch tool in the map viewer should have at least the same functionality as the sketch tool in the express map.