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Ability to Default New Layers to Be Visible in Web Maps within Story Maps

Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Often we have to update or add new layers to existing story map maps.

As of now, when a new layer is added to a web map, it is defaulted to be hidden in all story map instances of that map despite it being visible in the web map's set-up.  In my case now, I had one web map feeding a storymap 20 times (6 web map views with 14 media action map views). Since I had to overwrite this layer twice, I had to unhide this layer 40 times.  This is not the first time I am running into this nuisance. 


Above is the new layer being automatically hidden in the storymap map view layer settings. 


There could be an option in the story map view options to Hide New Layers that could be defaulted to be disabled.