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Using Python with StoryMaps

02-14-2022 09:04 AM
Esri Contributor
3 0 1,875

We've put together a tutorial as an ArcGIS Notebook that helps you learn how to use the new StoryMap modules of the ArcGIS Python API to create/update your own stories. This will be a great tool for those of you out there looking to use automation with the stories to keep them relevant and up-to-date with the latest information.


Here is a link to the Notebook.


If you're signed into ArcGIS Online and have notebook privileges, you'll be able to interact directly with the notebook tutorial. If you don't have notebook privileges, here are a few helpful links to get you started with using Jupyter Notebooks in your local environment. Just download the notebook and you can work with it locally.



If you believe the Python API will be a powerful tool for using ArcGIS StoryMaps in your organization, you might be interested in the demonstration ESRI Developer Summit in March:


ESRI Developer Summit 


If you are interested in more blogs like this, please let us know!

About the Author
Rudi is a product engineer with the StoryMaps Team and is located in North Carolina. He has been at ESRI since the later part of 2021. His main areas of interest are StoryMaps, large scale data and automation. Hobbies include Table top role-playing games and cooking