Watershed tool producing a tiny catchment

08-24-2011 08:07 AM
New Contributor
I am having real problems with the watershed tool producing a catchment of only a few pixels when i know that the flow direction is downhill (4) from the pour point I am using - Any Ideas?
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18 Replies
New Contributor
yes they are all in one projection (MAGNA_Colombia_Bogota) and cell size is 30 x 30 m
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Regular Contributor III
My only guess is that some of your input datasets have different extents for some reason. In your attached image a few posts bac, there is a green pixel in the mid-right hand side on the image that appears to be "displaced" (like you said). What dataset does this offset green pixel represent?
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New Contributor
Hmm... I have adapted the extent to the one of the DEM every time I used a tool (under the environment settings).
The green pixel represents the pour point I calculated by using the snap pour point tool. It belongs to the red point below at the right hand side and should normally be placed on it.
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Regular Contributor III
And you are sure your ArcMap dataframe doesn't have a differnt prj and/or datum defined?
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New Contributor
Just looked it through - it`s all fine. The same projection and datum.
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Regular Contributor III
Somethings got to be wonkey to have a sytematic offset like that...

cell allignment

Are you ABSOLUTELY sure that your base DEM is in the proj you think it is?

Can you replicate the issue with another DEM dataset?
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New Contributor
Hi there,
thanks again for all your help on this. I now figured out why ArcGIS didn`t like to create my watersheds... I had missed to install Service Pack 2! That was the whole problem!
Now I`m happy to have my watersheds ready for further processing.
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Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for the follow up on my last post to clarify, and thanks for helping Carina.  I have not had any time to get back to this thread (internal event) so it was good see that peer to peer support.

Thanks again,
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New Contributor
I was also having problems with the watershed tool, but with the tool producing an empty output. My inputs were the flow direction raster and a feature class (polygon representing a wetland area). This was set up as a loop to iterate through multiple wetland sites. However, the loop would stop when an empty output was produced. I found that setting the snap raster and processing extent to the original DEM (not to the flow direction raster) did the trick. Thought I'd post the solution here in case anyone else has similar issues.
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