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Veiwshed (and polygon to raster) Output Raster Dataset <empty>

10-22-2023 06:50 AM
New Contributor

Hi there!

I hope I'm in the right place, and whilst I'm hoping this is an easily fixed issue, I also don't want to have been silly enough to have stuck on it for the last 6 hours...

Working through a practical worksheet at uni, first practical of the day involved using viewshed from an old monument. despite following the instructions and using data that was supplied to me for this purpose, the viewshed was unsuccessful, with " ERROR 000867: Environment: contains invalid cell size dataset." I have checked numerous times that the cell size, is 2 because that what is stated on my worksheet. Eventually I got past this (although I'm not sure how because I'm stuck there again now) and when it did actually attempt the viewshed, it came up with the error in the title "Output Raster Dataset <empty>" - eventually I moved onto another practical because I was getting frustrated, so now I'm attempting a feature to raster to create an analysis mask... and back to the same issue, Output Raster Dataset <empty>  - I am fairly new to ArcGIS, but I did set my output raster, I've followed both the instructions given to me by my lecturers worksheet and numerous YouTube tutorials... at this point I'm trying to work out if I am just a world-class Muppet missing something really obvious, or whether it's an issue with the extensions on my pc? Again, ArcGIS installed according to uni instructions, obviously I have emailed my lecturer but it is Sunday afternoon after all.

Thanks in advance

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