I am trying to use the Forest Based Classification and Regression tool in ArcGIS pro to predict a continuous output variable. All of my explanatory variables (save one) are categorical. When I run the tool I get this error:
ERROR 120206: The explanatory variable, dbcp_sjv_allyears_xy.gm_result,tcpsummary_rf.maj_soildrainage_code,tcpsummary_rf.f1945majlu_num, does not exist or is invalid.
I have tried unchecking the categorical box next to the variable (Even though they are indeed categorical) but same result. The categorial variables are not a text field but are numerical (long) - does this make a difference?
I could not find a good resource to guide me on how to prepare data for the RF model in ArcGISPro and I know my table is a bit cluttered but I am attaching in case it helps?
From CSV -
Variable to predict: TCPSummary_RF.TCPConcLast (column G)
Explanatory variables:
TCPSummary_RF.F1945MajLU_Num |
TCPSummary_RF.F1960MajLU_Num |
TCPSummary_RF.F1990MajLU_Num |
TCPSummary_RF.F2005MajLU_Num |