Extensions issue

10-26-2010 04:30 AM
New Contributor
Hi there, I just downloaded the 60 day trial last night to get my feet wet again with GIS (it's been about 3-4 years since I last had a chance to use the program).  So I set up the trial with extensions blah blah blah and everything seems fine.  So I go to the toolbox to look around the Spatial Analyst tools again, and low and behold they aren't working, nor are the 3d analyst tools.  Now under ArcGIS Administrator it says that those extensions are licensed, however I get a message saying they aren't when I try to open one.  Any advice?  Thanks.
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7 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor
Suspect you should be set for your evaluation. As with the user interface for all ArcGIS releases you need to activate a licensed extension before you can use it in ArcMap or ArcCatalog.

At ArcGIS 10 extension activation is from the Customize --> Extensions drop-down menus.  Check the extension you'd like to activate for the session.  If not listed or is grayed out the extension is not authorized (licensed).

Then you can add the toolbar. Again from Customize --> Toolbars select the corresponding toolbar(s) for the extension you just activated.

(Note: at 9.x and earlier this selection was done from Tools --> Extensions;  and View --> Toolbars)

As a caution, activation of an extension is statefull.  The ArcMap, ArcCatalog documents you create will require those extensions be present, active and authorized (licensed) to properly open/close, affects portability if you need to move the documents. Also, the ArcMap and ArcCatalog configurations retain the last run settings. Best practice is after saving a document to then deactivate extensions when closing a session.  And to reactivate the extensions as needed when opening new session and creating new documents.

Good luck and post back if that was not clear enough to get you going.

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New Contributor
Are "Spatial Analyst Tools" listed under ArcToolBox such as Extraction available with ArcGIS 10 trial version or only the "Spatial Analyst" toolbar options Create Contour and Histogram. The Extraction tools works in 9.3 but does not work with the trial version using the same inputs. The ArcGIS 10 extension is installed, authorized and checked as an extension and tool bar. 
Thanks - mike
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New Contributor
Suspect you should be set for your evaluation. As with the user interface for all ArcGIS releases you need to activate a licensed extension before you can use it in ArcMap or ArcCatalog.

At ArcGIS 10 extension activation is from the Customize --> Extensions drop-down menus.  Check the extension you'd like to activate for the session.  If not listed or is grayed out the extension is not authorized (licensed).

Then you can add the toolbar. Again from Customize --> Toolbars select the corresponding toolbar(s) for the extension you just activated.

(Note: at 9.x and earlier this selection was done from Tools --> Extensions;  and View --> Toolbars)

As a caution, activation of an extension is statefull.  The ArcMap, ArcCatalog documents you create will require those extensions be present, active and authorized (licensed) to properly open/close, affects portability if you need to move the documents. Also, the ArcMap and ArcCatalog configurations retain the last run settings. Best practice is after saving a document to then deactivate extensions when closing a session.  And to reactivate the extensions as needed when opening new session and creating new documents.

Good luck and post back if that was not clear enough to get you going.


Hi there,
I'm having a similar issue. I have the student trial version and I am authorized online and I installed everything correctly. I have the ArcGIS Admin saying that I have the appropriate authorization. However, when I run ArcMap, I cannot get the Spatial Analyst bar to work. I should forewarn now, I've read dozens of these posts and I made sure to check that the extensions were checked, and the Spatial Analyst Toolbar works fine. So recap, Customize > extensions and Customize > toolbars are both appropriately checked (I also included a relevant prtScrn attachment). The toolbar itself shows up, but it's completely "unclickable." In the image I attached I show my data layers loaded, and the Spatial Analyst toolbar loaded, but you cannot click anything on it.

Honestly, I'm hoping i'm just missing some very simple step that I have overlooked. I appreciate any and all help.

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Occasional Contributor III
Jhightower, you need to add a raster layer for the toolbar to become active.
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MVP Frequent Contributor

So have you tried working with any raster or grid data? The spatial analyst tool bar doesn't manipulate the point and polyline layers that are showing on your screen shot.

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New Contributor
Thanks for the advice. Trust me, it hadn't crossed my mind that my layer wasn't a raster set 😉 . But what I was looking for was what I'm showing below in ArcMap 9.3 . I used to be able to use my Spatial Analyst tool to pull up the straight line distance function. So instead, don't know why it didn't cross my mind earlier, I just brought up Spatial Analyst Tools -> Distance -> Euclidean Distance tool instead.

Does it makes sense what I'm trying to explain? Either way, I appreciate your EXPEDITIOUS response to my question. Thanks again,

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New Contributor
Side note: My reply at first sounded a bit misleading. ie, I knew what data I was working with is what I wanted to say.

More importantly, there are continued forums on Spatial Analyst that discuss the problem of how the drop-down bar on the toolbox has been removed in 10. This is the fundamental difference that I hadn't figured out.

There's quite a discussion on it in some of the other forums and I feel I have to agree, why fix something if it wasn't broke in the first place?
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