Executing: Viewshed dsm_all Points C:\Workspace\viewshed 1 FLAT_EARTH 0.13 #
Start Time: Tue May 16 08:26:48 2017
ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expression. Unable to initialize mapping values(VMINI).
Failed to execute (Viewshed).
Failed at Tue May 16 08:42:01 2017 (Elapsed Time: 15 minutes 12 seconds)
a few details about the raster?
I apologize for being a complete GIS newbie. It's a modified DEM. I added buildings and a few other things to it using raster calculator.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Columns_and_Rows>28365, 21168</Columns_and_Rows>
<Cell_Size__X._Y_>3, 3</Cell_Size__X._Y_>
<Uncompressed_Size>2.24 GB</Uncompressed_Size>
<Pixel_Type>floating point</Pixel_Type>
<Pixel_Depth>32 Bit</Pixel_Depth>
<Pyramids>level: 7, resampling: Nearest Neighbor</Pyramids>
<Linear_Unit>Foot_US (0.304801)</Linear_Unit>
<Angular_Unit>Degree (0.0174532925199433)</Angular_Unit>
<Build_Parameters>skipped columns:1, rows:1, ignored value(s): </Build_Parameters>