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Combine raster with shapefile

03-26-2012 02:18 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have two maps: a raster file with elevation data and a shapefile with postal code areas (polygons).
I would like to combine these two maps in order to calculate an mean/median elevation per area. I know the Spatial Join tool functions when using two shapefiles, but not when one map is a raster file.
For the sake of accuracy I prefer to not convert the shapefile into a raster file.
What tool can I use to solve my problem?
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
I would recommend using the Zonal Statistics as a table, then take the table and join it back to the polygons. The Zonal Statistics tool provides a lot of other information, but you can simply select the mean if that is all that you desire. It is not a join, but will use the polygons to survey the raster data, which sounds like you ultimately want.
Emerging Contributor
Excellent. Thank you very much.
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