arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = outPath arcpy.env.workspace = dataPath #create a list of rasters in the workspace rasters = arcpy.ListRasters('','') i = 0 #loop through rasters in list for raster in rasters: print "processing raster: %s" %os.path.join(dataPath,raster) #convert nodata to zero out1 = Con(IsNull(raster), 0, raster) #sum rasters together if i == 0: out2 = arcpy.Raster(out1) i += 1 else: out2 = out2 + out1 i += 1 #save final output,'sumRas'))
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters('','')
rastersum = rasters[0]
for raster in rasters[1:]:
I know this is a bit late but I came across this from google and thought I'd clean up your for loop.
A few comments on your code: