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ArcGISLocalTiledLayer not displaying

05-21-2012 05:26 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor
Hi All

I'm just starting to look at ArcGIS Runtime for WPF and have run into a problem. I have a very basic application that contains a map with a ArcGISLocalTiledLayer layer. I can see the map on the Design tab in Visual Studio but when I debug the map is not displayed. Also I thought it was a licensing issue but when I uncomment this comment
// Set the ArcGIS Runtime license by providing the license string.
//ArcGISRuntime.SetLicense("Place the License String in here");

I get an error 'The type or namespace 'SetLicense' does not exisit....

Can anyone help me please?
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III
Make sure you are using the latest ArcGIS Runtime SDK and examples. The updated the API for Runtime licensing.
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