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Version 2.2 SDK Error: 'ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h' file not found

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04-04-2012 01:50 PM
Occasional Contributor II
I am in the process of upgrading to the newest SDK version 2.2. I uninstalled version 2.1 and installed version 2.2. I have followed the directions for migrating an existing application here to upgrade the references etc. for an existing project, and have also tried to get the new v2.2 MapViewDemo to run. In both cases Xcode cannot find the new ArcGIS.h file - I get a compile error:

'ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h' file not found

I've double checked the steps against these instructions as well. Also I am able to see the new /Library/SDKs/ArcGIS folder via Finder, though I do not see an ArcGIS.h file anywhere under there (not sure if I am suppose to or not).

One small discrepancy I noticed between the online help doc and the settings in the MapViewDemo project is that the Framework Search Path is slightly different:

Sample: $HOME/Library/SDKs
Online Help: ${HOME}/Library/SDKs/ArcGIS

In any case, neither seem to work.

Could this be a permission issue or something? Should ArcGIS.h be visible in Finder somewhere under /Library/SDKs/ArcGIS?


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15 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Surprising! Seeing this kinda issue first time! Glad to know that everything is up and running now! 🙂

1. The Esri Help/documentation does not say whether prior versions of the SDK should be uninstalled before installing a new version or not. It'd be helpful if the documentation clarified this point.

You do not require to explicitly uninstalling old version. When you install new version, that will take care of that. In your case, since it was getting installed at different location, it was not able to do.

2. The Online documentation topic "Configuring an Xcode Project" says to add the following compiler linker flags: "-ObjC -all_load -framework ArcGIS". But the samples also include the additional flag "-lstdc++". Is the latter required? Small detail I know, but the documentation and samples are not consistent here.

If you remove additional flag "-lstdc++", then you'll HAVE to add "libstdc++.dylib" to the project. That's the difference.

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New Contributor
User is an administrator is not the reason of this. Let's diagnose the issue. Please follow below steps and send the information.

1. Open Terminal and type command, 'echo $HOME' (without quotes). Send the output.
2. Open /Application/Utilities/Console >> Click 'Clear Display'.
3. Now install the SDK, you'll see the install logs in the Console display.
4. Send us the log information.
5. Since, the SDK is getting installed at /Library, you'll see a AGSiOSSDK folder under /Library/Application Support. Please give manifest file from that folder.



I got problem as well installing the 2.2.1.

Here some details.

1. Installing as root user.

localhost:work_31 root# echo $HOME

No install logs in the console.

No template is created in Xcode for ArcGIS. In order words, I can't create a new project for ArcGIS iOS project.

I got this problem as well running the examples - 'ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h' file not found

How do I solve this problem of not completing the install?

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Esri Regular Contributor
You should not install SDK with root user. Install with user which Xcode is going to run with. Also, you won't see any templates installed with v2.2.1. Those are not supported.

Hope this helps!

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New Contributor
I had the same problem.. but uninstalling and emptying my trash did not solve my problem.
After debugging it the whole day.
Ive decided to use the extreme.. RESTART.
After uninstalling, I did a restart. (without xcode running)
Then I did a fresh install, then did another restart (without xcode running)
After restarting, I started xcode. AND ALL IS FINE! 🙂

Hope it helped some guys out there that had the same problem as me.

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New Contributor
I've been following this thread because I had a similar kinda error. What finally fixed my issue was replace

#import "ArcGIS.h"


#import "ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h"

I know its a silly question to ask but can some be generous enough to explain why ? (I ask because since we put the framework search path to be ~../SDKs/ArcGIS/** )

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Esri Regular Contributor
#import <ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h> should have fixed your issue not #import "ArcGIS/ArcGIS.h". Framework search path will take you to  reach header file location but in order to use it, you must import it. Like the same way you do for any other iOS SDK framework (#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>).

Hope this helps!

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