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Accessing map services published on a separate server from a Mac machine.

04-08-2014 06:40 AM
New Contributor II
Hi everyone,

I am new to iOS and I am facing an issue with my published service.
I cannot access a map service(published in server - separate machine) from my internet browser in the Mac.
I m getting the following error:
Safari can't open the page "URL" because the server where this page is located isn't responding.

When I am accessing from a Windows based machine, it is responding successfully!

Am I missing something related to the ports?
Whatever is the solution, please kindly share the procedures details.

Technical Specs:
- Server machine running.
- Connected to my ArcGIS Server(publisher)
- Map service URL:       Running.

- MacBook Pro
- OSX Version 10.9.1
- Safari v 7.0.1

Please help  and Thanks !

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3 Replies
New Contributor II
Please help on this.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Is your server where you publish a service is accessible from mac? Try in a browser or ping from Terminal...
Are both machines on the same network?

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New Contributor II

Are both machines on the same network?

Well, both machines are not on the same network.
The Network is an Enterprise network and as I am a novice in the iOS world, I found difficulties configuring a new network (the one
common with GIS Production Server).
Could you please share any documentation on how to configure a new network on the MAC?

Thank you again!

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