How do we set the date value for feature attribute, when creating new feature. Here is what I am trying by setting as String
String dateTime = imgData.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME);
Date photoDate;
if(dateTime != null) {
String photoDatePat = "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss";
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(photoDatePat, Locale.US);
photoDate = simpleDateFormat.parse(dateTime);
}else {
photoDate = new Date();
attributes.put(Fields.PHOTO_DATE, photoDate.toString());
, and when setting as a date type
attributes.put(Field.PHOTO_DATE, photoDate)
this errors out as 'Conversion to CoreElement not implemented: class java.util.Date'
Hi Vikrant,
It depends of the FieldType of your feature's date attribute. If it's of type DATE, you should set a value of type Calendar. If it's of type TEXT, then you should set a value of type String, as you have tried above. See also: