Hi Team,
The navigationPointHeightFactor does not work if I use "autoPanMode = LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode.COMPASS_NAVIGATION".
I set navigationPointHeightFactor to "0.0" and the current location is located in the middle of the screen instead of the bottom. Here is my code.
mapView.locationDisplay.apply {
autoPanMode = LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode.COMPASS_NAVIGATION
navigationPointHeightFactor = 0.0f
Note : It is working if i am using "autoPanMode = LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode.NAVIGATION".
Please help me for moving current location to bottom of screen if autoPanMode = LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode.COMPASS_NAVIGATION
The navigationPointHeightFactor should only work in NAVIGATION mode. There seems to be some misleading information in the API reference doc. We will correct it.