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Is it possible to open UNC hyperlink in ArcGIS for Android

02-28-2012 11:06 AM
Frequent Contributor
I am using ArcGIS for Android and everything is working fine with my maps so far using our server's Mobile content.  Now I would like to add a feature that I use in our FlexViewer website.  In the popup in FlexViewer - I have a link to a file (it may be a TIF, GIF, or PDF) on a server that does not have IIS installed so I am using the UNC like this:   <description><![CDATA[ Document Link: <a href="\\fwb-gissql\Users\Public\Data\Documents\{Hyperlink}"<u>{Hyperlink}</u></a>]]></description>

Is it possible to do this in JSON syntax? This is the area of the JSON file where I have been attempting to place the code:

"description": null,
         "showAttachments": true,
         "mediaInfos": [{
        "caption": "{Hyperink}",
        "title": "Inlet Inspection Report",
        "type": "image",
        "value": {
          "linkURL": "\\\\fwb-gissql\\Users\\Public\\Data\\Documents\\{Hyperink}",
          "sourceURL": "http://fwb-gissrv/fwb/assets/images/i_info.png"

My folder name may say Public - but the files are only accessible via VPN or LAN.  Any ideas?  Is this possible?


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6 Replies
Deactivated User
Not to complicate matters for you, but what device are you using. (i.e. it may not be your code)
I have logged a bug with ESRI "NIM077005: Hyperlinks in pop-ups do not work in ArcGIS for Android on a Samsung Galaxy tablet."  The issue we found seams to be primarily with Tablets and not phones.
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Frequent Contributor

We are using the Samsung Galaxy Tab Touchscreen Tablet.  Have you also experienced GPS problems?  As soon as I enable GPS, ArcGIS says it is starting GPS, then it tends to crash and I have to "Force Close" on the app.  Is that due to the Samsung or the Android version of the ArcGIS app.   I have not had the GPS problem with the IOS version of ArcGIS on an 4S IPhone.


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Deactivated User

We are using the Samsung Galaxy Tab Touchscreen Tablet.  Have you also experienced GPS problems?  As soon as I enable GPS, ArcGIS says it is starting GPS, then it tends to crash and I have to "Force Close" on the app.  Is that due to the Samsung or the Android version of the ArcGIS app.   I have not had the GPS problem with the IOS version of ArcGIS on an 4S IPhone.


I have not had issues with the GPS
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Frequent Contributor
Ok, I believe I have the syntax correct.   I copied some of our PDF files out to the intranet webserver and have directory browsing enabled.  I am using http:// instead of the UNC.  If I go to a browser on the Android or IOS device I can browse the directory and open the PDF files so I know they are accessible.  Now, when I start ArcGIS and I open the map I do not receive any error and everything displays properly.  I zoom in and click on the feature, it retrieves the location and I select the > to view the popup information.  I scroll down to where the hyperlink should be on the popup and I see the title and the caption and a busy icon in the middle that just spins and spins and spins.  When I click on the spinning icon it takes me to another view and the busy spinning icon just spins and spins and spins.  It is like ArcGIS does not know what to do with the PDF.  Is it even capable of viewing a PDF?  The largest PDF file we have is around 64 KB. 

"description": null,
        "showAttachments": false,
        "mediaInfos": [{
          "title": "test",
          "type": "image",
          "caption": "Inlet Report",
          "value": {
            "sourceURL": "http:////fwb-gissrv/stormwater//{Hyperlink}",
            "linkURL": "http:////fwb-gissrv/stormwater//{Hyperlink}"

Any suggestions?



Duh... Jared already told me Hyperlinks do not work on the Samsung Galaxy Tab - Argh!
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Frequent Contributor
I have it working now.  I have a virtual directory pointing to the folder containing all of our documents and I created another field "HyperlinkA" in all of our features that has "forwardslash" instead of "backslash" because the IOS device didn't know what to do with them.  The Android device could use the "backslash" just fine though.  I am using the following syntax in my JSON files:

"description": null,
         "showAttachments": true,
         "mediaInfos": [{
        "title": "",
        "type": "image",
        "caption": "http://fwb-gissrv/documents/{HyperlinkA}",
        "value": {
          "sourceURL": "http://fwb-gissrv/fwb/assets/images/hyperlink.png",
          "linkURL": "http://fwb-gissrv/documents/{HyperlinkA}"

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Deactivated User
Is this working on your Samsung galaxy tab?
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