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is it possible to devlop android application using openlayers?

01-28-2016 09:55 PM
New Contributor II

help me

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3 Replies
Regular Contributor II

I do not understand your question.

As far as I understand it, openlayers is an API and not a data format.  Am I misunderstanding?  Do you have a link referencing what you are looking for?

I am looking at this page:

OpenLayers 3 - Welcome

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New Contributor II

how to display wms layers in android without using arcgis sdk?

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Regular Contributor II

Are you trying to move away from Esri runtime APIs completely or are you looking to do this within a web browser on the mobile device?

This would largely depend on the SDK that you would be using and whether they have implemented a method to handle that type of data.

If you are looking to use a webpage and open it on a mobile device, you may be more interested in this section of GeoNet:

ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Or this section:

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and JavaScript Frameworks

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